
Name Date Author Size DL's Rating Get
John 3v16 31 May : 13:23 Bobbie Eadie 3.43MB 3429
4.5/5 : 6 Votes
The Uniqueness of Christianity 31 May : 13:29 J.B. Nicholson 0B 3432
4/5 : 4 Votes
Testimony - Frank Knox 31 May : 22:45 Frank Knox 0B 3570
4.5/5 : 3 Votes
Testimony - Robert Craig 31 May : 22:47 Robert Craig 0B 2537
5/5 : 1 Vote
Testimony - John Finnegan 31 May : 22:49 John Finnegan 0B 2803
5/5 : 1 Vote
Testimony - Geoff Harrison 31 May : 22:50 Geoff Harrison 0B 2596
5/5 : 1 Vote
Seven Things the Lord Jesus Christ has given to/for his Disciples 31 May : 22:51 Jim Hutchinson 0B 2463
4/5 : 1 Vote
It is Finished 31 May : 22:52 Albert Aiken 0B 2924
5/5 : 2 Votes
Testimony - Alec Smith 31 May : 22:53 Alec Smith 0B 2288
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony and Call 31 May : 22:54 Eddie Fairfield 0B 2555
5/5 : 1 Vote
Where art Thou? 31 May : 22:56 Harold Paisley 0B 2702
5/5 : 1 Vote
What shall I do then with Jesus? 31 May : 22:56 Harold Paisley 0B 2958
0/5 : Not rated
Glories of Heaven 31 May : 22:59 Tom Campbell (1950) 0B 2776
5/5 : 1 Vote
Come see a man! 31 May : 22:59 Jim Brown 0B 2653
0/5 : Not rated
Mark 8v36 31 May : 23:01 David Oliver 0B 2593
5/5 : 1 Vote
Salvation of a Soul 31 May : 23:02 Harold Paisley 0B 2439
5/5 : 1 Vote
Testimony - Terry Topley 31 May : 23:03 Terry Topley 0B 2184
0/5 : Not rated
Movements of the Lord Jesus 31 May : 23:05 Jim Brown 0B 2087
4.5/5 : 1 Vote
Testimony - Robin McKeown 31 May : 23:06 Robin McKeown 0B 2564
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony - Albert Ramsay 31 May : 23:07 Albert Ramsay 0B 2545
0/5 : Not rated
Behold the man 31 May : 23:08 Jim Brown 0B 2766
1/5 : 1 Vote
Testimony - Alec Catchpole 31 May : 23:11 Alec Catchpole 0B 2481
0/5 : Not rated
What think ye of Christ? 31 May : 23:12 Robert McPheat 0B 2850
0/5 : Not rated
Great Salvation 31 May : 23:13 Jim Flanigan 0B 2765
0/5 : Not rated
The Ethiopian Eunuch 31 May : 23:14 Jim Hutchinson 0B 2333
0/5 : Not rated
Psalm 23 31 May : 23:15 Jim Hutchinson 0B 2201
0/5 : Not rated
The Theme of the Gospel 31 May : 23:16 Jim Hutchinson 0B 2551
0/5 : Not rated
John 3 v 16 31 May : 23:17 W.J. Nesbitt 0B 2221
0/5 : Not rated
Forgiveness 31 May : 23:18 Jim Hutchinson 0B 2414
0/5 : Not rated
What must I do to be Saved? 31 May : 23:19 Jim Hutchinson 0B 2455
0/5 : Not rated
Turn aside and see this great sight 31 May : 23:21 Tom McKelvey 0B 2714
0/5 : Not rated
The Reality of Eternity 31 May : 23:22 John Hawthorne 0B 2531
0/5 : Not rated
Two Men - Two Destiny's 31 May : 23:23 Sidney Maxwell 0B 2260
0/5 : Not rated
The Crucifixion of Christ 31 May : 23:24 Jim Currie 0B 2094
0/5 : Not rated
Almost thou persuadest me 31 May : 23:25 Jim Hutchinson 0B 2312
0/5 : Not rated
Calvary 31 May : 23:26 Jim Hutchinson 0B 2495
0/5 : Not rated
Rowing is not Enough 31 May : 23:27 Fred Cundick 0B 2275
0/5 : Not rated
He that believeth on the Son hath Everlasting Life 31 May : 23:28 Albert McShane 0B 2153
0/5 : Not rated
Meeting the Lord in the Storm 31 May : 23:29 Peter Brandon 0B 2386
0/5 : Not rated
The Lord Jesus - The only way 31 May : 23:30 Peter Brandon 0B 2204
0/5 : Not rated
Cain went out lost and the Ethiopian rejoiced saved 31 May : 23:31 Sidney Maxwell 0B 2305
0/5 : Not rated
Whosoever Believeth 31 May : 23:32 Tom Bentley 0B 2290
0/5 : Not rated
Christ died for our sins 31 May : 23:33 Bobbie Eadie 0B 2010
0/5 : Not rated
The Joy of a lost soul being Saved 31 May : 23:34 Peter Brandon 0B 2058
0/5 : Not rated
Can we be sure that we are right with God 31 May : 23:35 Peter Brandon 0B 1866
0/5 : Not rated
A Stone, A Ladder, A Seed, A House, A Gate 31 May : 23:36 Harry Bell 0B 2393
0/5 : Not rated
Through this man is preached onto you the Forgiveness of Sins 31 May : 23:37 A.M.S. Gooding 0B 2272
0/5 : Not rated
Uncommon things which took place at Christs Birth and Death Luke 2 v 7 (1979) 31 May : 23:38 R. Beattie(1895-1985) 0B 2170
0/5 : Not rated
What do you mean by being saved? 31 May : 23:38 Peter Brandon 0B 2346
0/5 : Not rated
Facing up to the main human problem 31 May : 23:39 Peter Brandon 0B 1861
0/5 : Not rated
What it means to be born again 31 May : 23:40 Peter Brandon 0B 1910
0/5 : Not rated
Hearing and Believing 31 May : 23:42 Bill Craig 0B 2040
0/5 : Not rated
Can we be sure that there is life after death 31 May : 23:43 Peter Brandon 0B 1778
0/5 : Not rated
The Precious Blood 31 May : 23:43 Peter Brandon 0B 1973
0/5 : Not rated
What shall the end be of them that obey not the Gospel? 31 May : 23:45 Harold Paisley 0B 1602
0/5 : Not rated
The Power of the Word of God 31 May : 23:46 Bobbie Eadie 0B 1767
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony - Sammy Maze 31 May : 23:47 Sammy Maze 0B 2170
0/5 : Not rated
Can modern man know that he is saved? 31 May : 23:48 Peter Brandon 0B 1488
0/5 : Not rated
How to receive Jesus Christ as Saviour 31 May : 23:49 Peter Brandon 0B 2363
0/5 : Not rated
Four Great Realities 31 May : 23:50 Harold Paisley 0B 2364
0/5 : Not rated
Five Reasons why we need Salvation 31 May : 23:50 Albert McShane 0B 1887
0/5 : Not rated
As it was so shall it be 31 May : 23:51 Bill Craig 0B 1963
0/5 : Not rated
I am the Door 31 May : 23:53 Harold Paisley 0B 2047
0/5 : Not rated
Freedom 31 May : 23:55 Tom Bentley 0B 1823
0/5 : Not rated
3 men we know will be in the Kingdom 31 May : 23:56 Sam Ferguson 0B 1757
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony & Call 31 May : 23:57 Albert Hull 0B 1857
0/5 : Not rated
The worlds greatest loss and the worlds greatest love 31 May : 23:58 A.J. Higgins 0B 1934
0/5 : Not rated
A Personal Message in an impersonal world 24 Jul : 09:53 Brian Crawford 7.94MB 1941
0/5 : Not rated
Saved-never lost,Lost-never saved,Almost Saved but lost 24 Jul : 10:10 Eric Parmenter 7.02MB 1995
0/5 : Not rated
Saved! 24 Jul : 10:12 Norman Crawford 8.46MB 1714
0/5 : Not rated
What shall it profit a man? 24 Jul : 10:13 Harold Paisley 9.54MB 2030
0/5 : Not rated
Definition of a Man 08 Dec : 21:05 David Oliver 7.69MB 1902
0/5 : Not rated
Things that dont change 22 Dec : 11:00 Albert Hull 5.23MB 1954
0/5 : Not rated
I Believe God 22 Dec : 11:02 Harold Paisley 8.41MB 2186
0/5 : Not rated
The Gospel of Liberty 07 Jan : 14:20 Jim Baker 4.32MB 1830
0/5 : Not rated
Fundamentals of the Gospel 07 Jan : 14:21 Harold Paisley 9.01MB 1893
0/5 : Not rated
The Lamb 07 Jan : 14:22 Norman Crawford 8.52MB 1858
0/5 : Not rated
Must be saved 19 May : 20:02 Ian Jackson 7.97MB 2005
0/5 : Not rated
The Salvation of Families 15 Jun : 15:51 Ian Jackson 8.04MB 1916
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony 01 Aug : 23:09 Alec McClean 11.72MB 2221
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony - Jack Hunter 19 Aug : 15:07 Jack Hunter 8.94MB 2070
5/5 : 1 Vote
The Sinners Warning 19 Aug : 15:09 David Craig 11.80MB 1833
0/5 : Not rated
Faith 31 Aug : 10:20 Rowan Jennings 4.92MB 1986
0/5 : Not rated
Genesis 28v10 16 Nov : 17:06 Harold Paisley 2.97MB 1683
0/5 : Not rated
Isaiah 57 16 Nov : 17:11 Harold Paisley 7.41MB 1755
0/5 : Not rated
Ephesians 2v12 25 Nov : 17:15 Norman Crawford 8.55MB 1848
0/5 : Not rated
Isaac - A Type 30 Nov : 20:30 Eric McCullough 10.60MB 1610
0/5 : Not rated
Time 07 Dec : 01:37 Harold Paisley 5.92MB 2409
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony - Fred Kraus 13 Nov : 19:06 Fred Kraus 8.81MB 1876
0/5 : Not rated
Men, Women and Children 04 Apr : 13:53 Geoff Harrison 12.45MB 17012
0/5 : Not rated
Salvation's Change 16 Jul : 14:30 Jim Brown 5.22MB 2086
0/5 : Not rated
The Impact of the Gospel at Corinth 29 Mar : 09:37 Jack Lennox 8.94MB 640
0/5 : Not rated
Yet there is room 04 Apr : 09:36 Sam Ferguson 4.44MB 729
0/5 : Not rated
Christ's commentary on the cross and call to the weary 07 Apr : 07:47 Jack Lennox 6.83MB 946
0/5 : Not rated
The Regeneration of a Religious Rabbi 11 Apr : 09:21 Jack Lennox 8.69MB 761
0/5 : Not rated
The Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me 18 Apr : 07:10 Jim Brown 4.76MB 628
0/5 : Not rated
God's pleasure, commandment and patience 10 May : 07:53 Jack Lennox 4.46MB 508
0/5 : Not rated
Three values that are unchanged: A breath, the bible and the blood of Christ 20 May : 08:06 Tom Meekin 7.87MB 606
0/5 : Not rated
For unto you is this salvation sent 21 May : 07:34 Sam Ferguson 7.37MB 531
0/5 : Not rated
Gods wrath for sin revealed 22 May : 07:50 Ron Watterson 3.95MB 589
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony (1979) 23 May : 07:23 Wilfred Warren 9.79MB 2005
0/5 : Not rated
The conversion of the prodigal son, the publican and the dying thief 01 Jun : 07:05 Norman Turkington 4.73MB 523
0/5 : Not rated
Cain and Abel 09 Jun : 07:32 Bill Craig 8.08MB 454
0/5 : Not rated
Through this Man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins 09 Jun : 23:42 Albert Aiken 7.87MB 471
0/5 : Not rated
The Crucifixion of our Lord Jesus 14 Jun : 07:07 John Grant 6.72MB 597
0/5 : Not rated
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners 21 Jun : 07:32 Isaac Cherry (died 1967) 4.57MB 535
5/5 : 1 Vote
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world 28 Jun : 08:09 Harold Paisley 6.99MB 667
0/5 : Not rated
Heaven - Eternal Day, Hell - Eternal Night and Calvary - Midday Darkness 05 Jul : 07:59 Bill Bingham 4.50MB 511
0/5 : Not rated
The importance of knowing the Lord Jesus as Saviour 06 Jul : 06:36 Jim Martin 3.48MB 479
0/5 : Not rated
The Simple Facts of the Gospel 07 Jul : 01:51 David Kane 2.90MB 479
0/5 : Not rated
The roadmap to Heaven 08 Jul : 06:09 Albert McShane 4.24MB 1193
0/5 : Not rated
It is Written, It is Finished, It is Time and It is Enough 09 Jul : 06:18 Tom McNeill 7.02MB 918
0/5 : Not rated
The Inflexible Law, the Incredible Love of God, the Infinite work of Christ and the Inexpressible Loss of a soul 10 Jul : 06:55 Albert Hull 5.27MB 507
0/5 : Not rated
I was blind, now I see 19 Jul : 08:04 Jim Martin 3.71MB 658
0/5 : Not rated
My Testimony and Call 26 Jul : 00:18 Tom McNeill 9.21MB 429
0/5 : Not rated
At Calvary 02 Aug : 07:57 Albert Aiken 4.32MB 555
0/5 : Not rated
John 3v36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life 15 Aug : 07:56 Jim Martin 4.03MB 499
0/5 : Not rated
Ye must be saved 22 Aug : 07:38 Jim Martin 3.94MB 376
0/5 : Not rated
Salvation is by faith alone 06 Sep : 07:57 Jim Martin 3.67MB 392
0/5 : Not rated
The Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world 13 Sep : 07:59 Louis Swan 5.87MB 441
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony: Michael Brown 26 Sep : 07:14 Michael Brown 10.31MB 442
0/5 : Not rated
Faith in Christ will save you 03 Oct : 09:49 Sam Ferguson 7.05MB 342
0/5 : Not rated
God's love for sinners 18 Oct : 09:14 Albert Leckie 7.18MB 402
0/5 : Not rated
The hands of the Devil, Deliverer and Debtor 25 Oct : 07:36 Jim Brown 5.98MB 435
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony and the Lordship of Christ 30 Oct : 07:13 Jim Burnett 8.87MB 379
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel: The Precious Blood 07 Nov : 08:54 Harold Paisley 8.01MB 445
0/5 : Not rated
The Outcast Sinner 24 Nov : 07:53 David Kane 4.64MB 369
0/5 : Not rated
Gods divine plan of Salvation 29 Nov : 08:00 WJ Nesbitt 3.82MB 318
0/5 : Not rated
Four Days - Your Day, The Day of Christ, The Day of the Lord and The Day of God 03 Dec : 07:18 Albert Ramsey 4.49MB 344
0/5 : Not rated
Christ Crucified 06 Dec : 09:18 TE Wilson 6.23MB 344
0/5 : Not rated
How the Gospel can meet the Sinners need 13 Dec : 21:04 Tom Meekin 4.22MB 389
0/5 : Not rated
Behold that sight 20 Dec : 16:55 WJ Nesbitt 7.33MB 389
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony: Ben Sutton 03 Jan : 08:12 Ben Sutton 10.63MB 520
0/5 : Not rated
The Old, Old Story 10 Jan : 09:30 Tom Meekin 4.42MB 445
0/5 : Not rated
As it is appointed unto man once to die 17 Jan : 09:37 Sydney Maxwell 4.84MB 353
0/5 : Not rated
Come see a man 24 Jan : 09:30 Sam Ferguson 4.59MB 338
0/5 : Not rated
For Christ also hath once suffered for sins and his testimony 31 Jan : 08:53 WJ Nesbitt 6.04MB 367
0/5 : Not rated
I am the way 07 Feb : 09:18 Peter Brandon 7.20MB 324
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel: What shall I do then with Jesus? 14 Feb : 08:46 Norman Crawford 4.39MB 307
0/5 : Not rated
Substitution 14 Mar : 07:45 Frank Tornaquindici 5.53MB 330
0/5 : Not rated
Have I ever come to know the Lord Jesus as Saviour 21 Mar : 07:36 Robert Brinn 4.08MB 280
0/5 : Not rated
And when they were come to the Place called Calvary 28 Mar : 09:00 TW Smith 4.08MB 323
4/5 : 1 Vote
Five Looks at God - God looking down on the fool, The Son who came down, The Good Shepherd who laid down his life, The Great High Priest who sat down and Christ who put down his enemies 01 Apr : 06:33 Jim Martin 5.12MB 284
0/5 : Not rated
The Uniqueness of the Cross 11 Apr : 08:10 Peter Brandon 7.47MB 344
0/5 : Not rated
Philip Harding Testimony and Call 18 Apr : 08:39 Phillip Harding 9.36MB 309
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul 25 Apr : 08:44 Norman Crawford 4.91MB 242
0/5 : Not rated
A Living Encounter with a living God 02 May : 07:51 Peter Brandon 7.01MB 235
0/5 : Not rated
Whosoever believeth on the Son hath Everlasting Life 09 May : 08:13 Robert Surgenor 4.02MB 240
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony: My Story 17 May : 06:13 Leonard Mullan (Japan) 7.31MB 393
0/5 : Not rated
The Bad News and the Good News 23 May : 07:18 Albert Hull 4.89MB 315
0/5 : Not rated
The New Birth 30 May : 08:41 Peter Brandon 9.45MB 294
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony: Ronnie Johnston 06 Jun : 05:49 Ronnie Johnston 8.36MB 255
0/5 : Not rated
Nicodemus - A man who made a great discovery 13 Jun : 08:46 Murray Pratt 3.77MB 306
0/5 : Not rated
Sorrow 21 Jun : 06:38 Jim Martin 3.87MB 262
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel We either accept or reject the Gospel 27 Jun : 07:58 TE Wilson 7.69MB 305
0/5 : Not rated
The transforming power in the life of Saul of Tarsus and in my own life 04 Jul : 09:03 Wynnfield Hooke 8.57MB 318
0/5 : Not rated
Thou art not far from the Kingdom of God 11 Jul : 10:18 Harold Paisley 4.56MB 271
0/5 : Not rated
Saved or not Saved 25 Jul : 09:10 Harold Paisley 8.16MB 325
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel : "Others" and his testimony 01 Aug : 09:22 Frank Tornaquindici 8.42MB 227
0/5 : Not rated
The Perfect Love of God 08 Aug : 09:40 Peter Brandon 7.78MB 268
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel: Forgiveness 15 Aug : 09:27 Robert McPheat 8.79MB 228
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel Why did the Lord Jesus come into the World 22 Aug : 09:55 John Stubbs 5.91MB 260
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel Grace abounding to the chief of sinners 29 Aug : 08:26 David Kane 2.74MB 220
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony: Albert McShane 31 Aug : 14:29 Albert McShane 4.93MB 292
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel Create in me a clean Heart O God 05 Sep : 07:49 Peter Brandon 6.95MB 349
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel As it was in the days of Noah 12 Sep : 08:30 Tom Bentley 6.57MB 265
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian 19 Sep : 08:25 Robert McPheat 7.54MB 312
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - The Bread of Life 26 Sep : 08:46 Albert McShane 7.93MB 320
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony: Albert Hull 10 Oct : 09:16 Albert Hull 6.79MB 200
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - A Fleeting Life, A Fixed Appointment, The Finished Work and our future Hope 24 Oct : 10:12 John Stubbs 5.69MB 228
0/5 : Not rated
Saved 31 Oct : 09:39 Albert Leckie 8.30MB 281
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony: Matthew McKillen 07 Nov : 10:07 Matthew McKillen 4.24MB 238
0/5 : Not rated
Man Sinned, Salvation provided and Judgement Pending 14 Nov : 07:33 Eddie Fairfield 3.85MB 238
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - The Lord Jesus -The Door to Salvation 21 Nov : 10:35 Frank Tornaquindici 5.97MB 223
0/5 : Not rated
The Gospel Supper 28 Nov : 09:53 Jim Patterson 3.89MB 210
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - Three unique things about the Lord Jesus - A Unique man, A unique voice and unique Power 05 Dec : 08:36 Jim Smith 4.78MB 304
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - Life’s greatest tragedy 22 Dec : 08:22 Robert McPheat 8.61MB 215
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel The Humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ - This Man 26 Dec : 10:15 Harold Paisley 7.33MB 250
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel Guilt, Condemnation, and Separation 02 Jan : 10:21 Eddie Fairfield 5.16MB 267
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - Divisions amongst People in Scripture 09 Jan : 11:24 John Hawthorne 4.90MB 222
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel The night Nicodemus got saved 16 Jan : 11:39 Tom Bentley 7.15MB 211
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel: Faith 30 Jan : 10:54 Sam Ferguson 7.06MB 188
0/5 : Not rated
Being subject to the Monarchy 04 Feb : 09:06 Tom Meekin 7.18MB 183
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel The Love of God 06 Feb : 10:36 Peter Brandon 7.52MB 188
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - Uncommon things which took place at Christ's birth 08 Feb : 07:18 Robert Beattie 3.73MB 207
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - Seek ye the Lord while he may be found 13 Feb : 09:50 AMS Gooding 7.67MB 244
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - The new road from Larne to Heaven 20 Feb : 10:04 Tom Meekin 4.48MB 416
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - The importance of being ready for the Lord's Coming 27 Feb : 10:03 Bill Halliday 3.42MB 171
0/5 : Not rated
The Power of Sin, The Lords death and His coming again 06 Mar : 10:08 David Kane 5.83MB 281
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - Man can only be saved by faith alone 13 Mar : 10:20 Alec Lyttle 4.29MB 235
0/5 : Not rated
The Gospel can change from Darkness unto Light 20 Mar : 08:58 Albert McShane 4.39MB 320
0/5 : Not rated
Testimony: David Craig 27 Mar : 08:36 David Craig 9.01MB 267
0/5 : Not rated
Cain went out Noah went in 10 Apr : 08:58 Jack Gamble 4.79MB 253
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - Ye must be born again 24 Apr : 07:15 John Hawthorne 3.51MB 280
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - We Believe that Christ died and rose again 14 May : 08:03 John Hawthorne 4.67MB 158
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - The Significance of the Cross 09 Jun : 08:46 Peter Brandon 8.58MB 169
0/5 : Not rated
The greatest expression of Grief in human history 21 Jun : 07:47 Tom Meekin 4.62MB 197
0/5 : Not rated
The conversion of the Ethiopian Eunuch 27 Jun : 07:01 Tom Meekin 7.98MB 292
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - The Serpent that deceives and the Saviour that saves 06 Jul : 07:47 John Thompson 4.89MB 193
0/5 : Not rated
Gospel - What shall the end be of them that obey not the Gospel of God 07 Jul : 06:51 Alec Lyttle 3.85MB 193
0/5 : Not rated
Return to Category List 260239 download(s) from 200 files