
Name Date Author Size DL's Rating Get
The Uniqueness of an Assembly 01 Jun : 21:56 Jim Flanigan 0B 2380
5/5 : 1 Vote
The position of the Assembly in 1 Timothy 01 Jun : 21:57 Norman Mellish 0B 2325
0/5 : Not rated
Picture of a Local Assembly 01 Jun : 21:58 David Craig 0B 2435
5/5 : 1 Vote
The Assembly of God 01 Jun : 21:59 Jack Hunter 0B 2721
2/5 : 1 Vote
The Church of the New Testament 01 Jun : 22:34 Tom Bentley 0B 2115
0/5 : Not rated
Is the Local Assembly a Sect? 01 Jun : 22:35 Tom Bentley 0B 2143
5/5 : 1 Vote
Is the Local Assembly autonomous? 01 Jun : 22:36 Tom Bentley 0B 2262
0/5 : Not rated
Is Assembly government democratic? 01 Jun : 22:38 Tom Bentley 0B 2382
0/5 : Not rated
Is Occasional Fellowship scriptural? 01 Jun : 22:39 Tom Bentley 0B 2232
3.5/5 : 3 Votes
Is the Ministry of Women public? 01 Jun : 22:40 Tom Bentley 0B 2293
0/5 : Not rated
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