
Name Date Author Size DL's Rating Get
The Climax of the Lord's Ministry in Judea 31 Jan : 13:23 Norman Turkington 5.89MB 1974
0/5 : Not rated
The Judgement Seat 13 May : 20:37 Tom Rea (1890-1980) 8.35MB 2795
0/5 : Not rated
Wisdom 05 Aug : 19:31 Robert McPheat 13.87MB 2146
0/5 : Not rated
A Word of Comfort 31 Aug : 10:17 Jim Flanigan 5.20MB 1722
0/5 : Not rated
Practical Conduct - Brotherhood 31 Aug : 10:55 Don Rodgers 3.46MB 2446
0/5 : Not rated
The Rest of the story 16 Nov : 17:04 David Oliver 4.65MB 1840
5/5 : 1 Vote
Preservation 30 Nov : 20:20 Norman Crawford 9.23MB 1943
0/5 : Not rated
Acceptable 30 Nov : 20:35 Al Christopherson 7.61MB 1947
0/5 : Not rated
Psalm 103 30 Nov : 20:38 Eugene Badgley 3.81MB 2215
0/5 : Not rated
Sonship 11 Jan : 22:24 Jack Hunter 7.77MB 1706
5/5 : 1 Vote
Liberty 28 Jan : 13:25 Geoff Harrison 7.01MB 2050
0/5 : Not rated
Condition - The internal enemy 12 Feb : 10:13 Geoff Harrison 7.46MB 2121
5/5 : 1 Vote
I beseech you 19 Feb : 09:09 Cyril Hocking 9.17MB 1862
0/5 : Not rated
God's instructions to Moses 19 Feb : 09:15 George Waugh 8.54MB 1749
0/5 : Not rated
Idols 25 Feb : 17:05 Cyril Hocking 11.00MB 1712
0/5 : Not rated
The Last Words of David 03 Mar : 22:54 AJ Higgins 5.02MB 1732
0/5 : Not rated
Isaac and Rebekah 03 Mar : 22:57 Robin McKeown 6.55MB 1710
0/5 : Not rated
What is your life? A life of value or a life in vain 19 Mar : 12:31 A J Higgins 9.23MB 2028
5/5 : 1 Vote
Bearing about in his Body 19 Mar : 12:36 Harry Bell 10.50MB 1518
5/5 : 1 Vote
Walking in perfect harmony 25 Mar : 09:43 Geoff Harrison 13.84MB 15368
0/5 : Not rated
Be strong in the Lord 04 Apr : 15:00 Tom Bentley 12.18MB 2348
5/5 : 1 Vote
The Book: The ability to open it 16 Apr : 12:35 Albert Leckie 7.44MB 1834
0/5 : Not rated
The Praise of His Glory 21 Apr : 21:33 Albert Leckie 8.04MB 1611
0/5 : Not rated
Spiritual Maturity 11 May : 22:55 Geoff Harrison 14.23MB 13459
0/5 : Not rated
Grace and Faith 05 Aug : 09:35 Geoff Harrison 15.39MB 1892
0/5 : Not rated
The Reluctant Witness 23 Jan : 13:25 Geoff Harrison 11.60MB 1876
0/5 : Not rated
Prayer 26 Mar : 14:06 Jack Lennox 6.51MB 826
0/5 : Not rated
Have you any meat? 27 Mar : 09:13 Albert Aiken 8.22MB 543
0/5 : Not rated
Our Great Hope 28 Mar : 09:43 Bill Halliday 4.18MB 583
0/5 : Not rated
The day of review for David's mighty men 03 Apr : 06:42 Alec McClean 4.28MB 775
0/5 : Not rated
The Word of God - having our minds occupied with Spiritual Things 05 Apr : 06:20 Jack Lennox 7.97MB 754
0/5 : Not rated
Titles of the Lord Jesus in the Old Testament 02 May : 09:18 Jack Lennox 8.66MB 526
0/5 : Not rated
Key men and their vision of Deity 03 May : 08:14 Jack Lennox 7.39MB 573
0/5 : Not rated
Knowing and Trusting the Lord in weakness and trouble 24 May : 07:50 Jim Flanigan 6.58MB 660
0/5 : Not rated
The Chief Shepherd 30 May : 07:01 Bill Halliday 4.80MB 481
0/5 : Not rated
A consideration of "Himself" in the New Testament 06 Jun : 07:19 Sam Ferguson 3.48MB 421
0/5 : Not rated
The Voice of God 08 Jun : 07:35 Jack Lennox 6.42MB 501
0/5 : Not rated
The Lord's Temptation 11 Jun : 07:47 Sam Ferguson 5.04MB 451
0/5 : Not rated
Christ should be magnified in our bodies 12 Jun : 07:40 Alex McClean 5.22MB 547
3/5 : 1 Vote
The believer in a foreign land as an ambassador 22 Jun : 06:49 Jim Martin 3.32MB 579
0/5 : Not rated
Separation 23 Jun : 06:32 Albert Aiken 6.75MB 471
0/5 : Not rated
Four people who prepared their heart to serve the Lord 24 Jun : 06:40 Tom McNeill 2.52MB 502
0/5 : Not rated
Faith. 25 Jun : 07:27 Norman Turkington 4.10MB 434
0/5 : Not rated
Practice what we preach 26 Jun : 08:26 Albert Glass 2.76MB 412
0/5 : Not rated
An exhortation for Christians to have a good testimony 27 Jun : 07:49 George McKinley 5.05MB 415
0/5 : Not rated
Remove not the ancient landmarks 29 Jun : 07:58 Alfred Dudley 3.38MB 515
5/5 : 1 Vote
Having the courage to say NO 30 Jun : 07:59 Eddie Fairfield 6.24MB 449
0/5 : Not rated
In those days 01 Jul : 08:12 Jimmy Paton 6.21MB 481
5/5 : 1 Vote
Our Likeness to Christ 02 Jul : 08:56 Reggie Jordan 5.73MB 395
0/5 : Not rated
The Lordship of Christ 03 Jul : 08:12 John Flynn 4.10MB 413
0/5 : Not rated
Unity 04 Jul : 06:44 Jack Lennox 7.43MB 562
0/5 : Not rated
Our Brethren 11 Jul : 08:22 John Hawthorne 2.43MB 459
0/5 : Not rated
Some of the Sorrows and Sufferings of Job 12 Jul : 07:55 Jim Burnett 6.39MB 376
0/5 : Not rated
Blessings that the Lord Jesus brought to homes in Mark 9 13 Jul : 08:01 Isaac Cherry 7.09MB 668
5/5 : 1 Vote
What is our love for Christ 14 Jul : 08:21 Tommy Thompson (Alaska) 2.55MB 397
0/5 : Not rated
Inspired writers valuing the work of other inspired writers 15 Jul : 07:46 Albert McShane 4.49MB 543
0/5 : Not rated
Five I Am's in Psalm 119 16 Jul : 09:10 Eddie Fairfield 3.22MB 454
0/5 : Not rated
The importance of the right ministry being given at the right time 17 Jul : 08:18 Jimmy Paton 8.43MB 665
5/5 : 1 Vote
Ministry to Widows 24 Jul : 07:47 Alfred Dudley 5.14MB 397
0/5 : Not rated
I beseech you brethren 25 Jul : 07:45 Eddie Fairfield 7.10MB 389
0/5 : Not rated
Brotherly love - shall I go up against my brother 01 Aug : 06:07 Bernard Stapley 5.20MB 434
4/5 : 1 Vote
Knowing the Lord's Presence along each pathway of life 08 Aug : 07:37 Tommy Thompson (Alaska) 5.33MB 626
0/5 : Not rated
The atmosphere at Gethsemane on the Resurrection Morn 09 Aug : 08:01 Isaac Cherry 5.55MB 418
4/5 : 1 Vote
Tears 10 Aug : 07:31 David Kane 3.75MB 369
0/5 : Not rated
The now of Divine Presence, Preservation, Prospect and Praise 11 Aug : 06:50 Bob Cameron 7.02MB 352
5/5 : 1 Vote
Praise 12 Aug : 08:06 Reggie Jordan 4.92MB 355
0/5 : Not rated
The Heart 13 Aug : 07:07 John Hawthorne 14.02MB 401
0/5 : Not rated
A Bottle, A Book, A Basin and a Bowl 14 Aug : 07:31 Eddie Fairfield 8.19MB 437
0/5 : Not rated
A Practical application of Isaiah’s experiences in Isaiah 6 16 Aug : 08:12 Tom McNeill 4.36MB 352
0/5 : Not rated
Things that are unchanging in the midst of change 18 Aug : 07:59 Bob Cameron 5.53MB 417
5/5 : 1 Vote
The Secret of a Saved Lfe 21 Aug : 07:25 Tommy Thompson (Alaska) 5.34MB 555
0/5 : Not rated
How God worked in four individuals to bring glory to his name 25 Aug : 07:54 Leslie Wells 5.47MB 367
0/5 : Not rated
Things that were written aforetime 27 Aug : 07:22 Eddie Fairfield 7.59MB 374
0/5 : Not rated
The Believers divine inheritance in Ephesians 3 28 Aug : 07:45 Bernard Stapley 5.64MB 452
0/5 : Not rated
Keeping Proper Balance 29 Aug : 07:14 David Kane 3.52MB 373
0/5 : Not rated
Examples to follow 30 Aug : 08:08 John Hawthorne 3.31MB 359
0/5 : Not rated
For me to live is Christ 31 Aug : 07:13 Reggie Jordan 5.02MB 331
0/5 : Not rated
Four Golden Nuggets 01 Sep : 07:27 Tom Meekin 4.91MB 425
0/5 : Not rated
The Mind of Christ 03 Sep : 07:38 Sam Curran 5.99MB 377
0/5 : Not rated
High Spots in a Christian's Life 05 Sep : 06:57 Albert McShane 5.13MB 527
0/5 : Not rated
Aspects of Worship 08 Sep : 05:32 David Kane 4.61MB 342
0/5 : Not rated
His name wonderful 09 Sep : 22:05 John Hawthorne 2.32MB 324
0/5 : Not rated
Paul pleads with the Ephesian believers to walk worthy of their vocation 11 Sep : 06:25 Bernard Stapley 5.00MB 306
0/5 : Not rated
Life 16 Sep : 06:08 Reggie Jordan 2.52MB 375
0/5 : Not rated
The Person of our Lord Jesus Christ 17 Sep : 06:36 John Hawthorne 2.61MB 327
0/5 : Not rated
God's intention for man 18 Sep : 07:50 Jim Wamsley 5.54MB 377
0/5 : Not rated
Feet for the Lord's use 20 Sep : 08:16 Norman Turkington 4.10MB 302
0/5 : Not rated
Christ's intercession 21 Sep : 05:39 John Flynn 3.08MB 334
0/5 : Not rated
The Fruits of the Spirit personally and in the assembly 23 Sep : 07:29 John Hawthorne 4.25MB 438
0/5 : Not rated
An assembly is made up of brothers and sisters in Christ 24 Sep : 05:28 Tommy Thompson (Alaska) 3.34MB 347
0/5 : Not rated
Contentment in the Lord 25 Sep : 06:50 Tom McNeill 2.17MB 342
0/5 : Not rated
The Perfection of Christ 01 Oct : 05:42 David Kane 5.12MB 411
0/5 : Not rated
Obtaining a good degree 02 Oct : 06:15 Tom Meekin 8.30MB 358
5/5 : 1 Vote
The Singer who lost his song 04 Oct : 08:11 Albert Ramsey 3.85MB 364
0/5 : Not rated
Durable Things 05 Oct : 05:47 Norman Turkington 4.84MB 333
0/5 : Not rated
Abel Worshipped God, Enoch walked with God, Noah worked for God and Abraham waited for God 06 Oct : 06:58 DL Craig 2.09MB 420
0/5 : Not rated
I am crucified with Christ 07 Oct : 07:08 John Glenville 2.56MB 448
0/5 : Not rated
Seeing the Lord 09 Oct : 06:38 Tom McNeill 2.86MB 354
0/5 : Not rated
God's provision for suffering saints 10 Oct : 09:49 Dennis Hinton 3.44MB 378
0/5 : Not rated
The Father's House 11 Oct : 07:33 Harold Paisley 8.72MB 404
0/5 : Not rated
Thanksgiving Confession and Prayer 12 Oct : 06:35 John Hawthorne 2.01MB 315
0/5 : Not rated
The perplexities, perseverance and prayer of faith 13 Oct : 06:49 David Kane 3.59MB 409
0/5 : Not rated
How shall we escape 14 Oct : 06:55 John Wells 3.00MB 388
0/5 : Not rated
Visions of Christ 15 Oct : 07:19 Jimmy Paton 5.79MB 416
5/5 : 1 Vote
Holiness and Fruitfulness 16 Oct : 06:44 Leslie Wells 10.27MB 330
0/5 : Not rated
Dealing with anxiety - A word of Consolation, Exhortation, Revelation and Expectation 24 Oct : 08:22 Philip Harding 4.95MB 432
0/5 : Not rated
The Man in the Glory Above 27 Oct : 07:52 John Glenville 7.61MB 549
0/5 : Not rated
Jesus Christ as Lord of All 29 Oct : 07:19 William Hastings 7.77MB 391
0/5 : Not rated
The God of Promise 04 Nov : 07:43 Reggie Jordan 3.21MB 327
0/5 : Not rated
Lord, what wilt thou have me to do? 05 Nov : 08:14 Norman Turkington 3.33MB 341
0/5 : Not rated
Being exercised about praising the Lord 06 Nov : 07:46 John Hawthorne 2.52MB 447
0/5 : Not rated
Bringing forth much fruit 09 Nov : 00:42 Tom McNeill 4.83MB 326
0/5 : Not rated
Let each esteem others better than themselves 10 Nov : 08:01 Reggie Jordan 7.08MB 314
0/5 : Not rated
The Holy Spirit of God 11 Nov : 07:42 Norman Turkington 5.55MB 405
0/5 : Not rated
What God hath done for his people 12 Nov : 06:43 Michael Brown 3.36MB 355
0/5 : Not rated
What will be our reward for our Service for the Lord 25 Nov : 07:41 William Hastings 7.57MB 351
0/5 : Not rated
Experiences of three men 26 Nov : 07:50 Jim Burnett 9.06MB 317
0/5 : Not rated
Stewardship 27 Nov : 07:35 John Flynn 3.85MB 291
0/5 : Not rated
The Christian and a Heavenly Inheritance 30 Nov : 07:24 Norman Turkington 4.56MB 362
0/5 : Not rated
Some of the Kisses of the Bible 02 Dec : 07:57 Harold Paisley 7.43MB 435
0/5 : Not rated
Being exercised about completing the calling that the Lord has given us 04 Dec : 07:36 Denis Hinton 5.56MB 413
0/5 : Not rated
A God of Promise - some things that are unfailing 05 Dec : 08:25 DL Craig 3.76MB 348
0/5 : Not rated
God’s first prophesy - Genesis 3v15 10 Dec : 07:51 Bert Gamble 6.32MB 333
0/5 : Not rated
The principles of the rewards that we receive 11 Dec : 07:51 Michael Brown 6.45MB 292
0/5 : Not rated
Blessings and Benefits we have from knowing the Lord Jesus 12 Dec : 09:52 Jim Burnett 7.19MB 348
0/5 : Not rated
What the Father thinks about the son that the world rejected 20 Dec : 16:53 David Kane 5.43MB 327
0/5 : Not rated
The Lord is our Strength 21 Dec : 07:50 Jack Gamble 3.61MB 349
5/5 : 1 Vote
Why God allows trials in a believers life 22 Dec : 08:06 Philip Harding 6.13MB 433
0/5 : Not rated
God - His Sovereignty, His Message and His Mightiness 23 Dec : 07:46 John Hawthorne 4.78MB 310
0/5 : Not rated
Lessons from the wise men 24 Dec : 07:43 Tom McNeill 3.09MB 351
0/5 : Not rated
The incarnation of Christ 25 Dec : 07:32 JB Nicholson 9.26MB 382
0/5 : Not rated
Bringing in the Lord Jesus Christ 26 Dec : 08:18 John Stubbs 9.14MB 419
0/5 : Not rated
The Heavenly City 29 Dec : 07:47 Denis Hinton 6.66MB 382
0/5 : Not rated
The last hours of the year 30 Dec : 08:04 John Wells 2.83MB 329
0/5 : Not rated
Past Year and New Year 31 Dec : 08:18 John Hawthorne 5.07MB 403
0/5 : Not rated
That in all things Christ might have the pre-eminence 05 Jan : 07:39 John Flynn 4.34MB 285
0/5 : Not rated
The Lord Jesus the perfect example to follow 06 Jan : 08:01 Norman Turkington 2.25MB 290
0/5 : Not rated
The Love of the Lord 12 Jan : 07:23 Tom McNeill 5.43MB 374
0/5 : Not rated
The Believer in the Battlefield 13 Jan : 05:49 Norman Turkington 4.58MB 333
0/5 : Not rated
The life which I now live 14 Jan : 08:02 John Flynn 4.71MB 300
0/5 : Not rated
I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me 19 Jan : 08:02 Reggie Jordan 4.50MB 344
0/5 : Not rated
The Ordinance of the Two Silver Trumpets - Divine Guidance 20 Jan : 08:34 David Kane 5.54MB 330
0/5 : Not rated
The Lord’s Prayer 21 Jan : 07:43 John Wells 2.30MB 381
0/5 : Not rated
Our Learning: Things written aforetime were written for our learning 22 Jan : 08:37 Fred Stallen 3.28MB 321
0/5 : Not rated
Our love for Christ should be greater than those loyal to David in the Cave of Adullam 23 Jan : 09:52 Peter Orasuk 10.27MB 321
4/5 : 2 Votes
Walking in Truth 25 Jan : 07:32 Tom McNeill 4.85MB 313
0/5 : Not rated
Consecration to the Lord for Service 26 Jan : 08:09 Norman Turkington 7.18MB 298
0/5 : Not rated
Three Women exercised about the things of God 27 Jan : 08:29 Jim Burnett 5.66MB 297
0/5 : Not rated
The significant Omissions in the narrative in John Ch 13 V 1 – 17 28 Jan : 06:56 David Kane 4.84MB 282
0/5 : Not rated
Paul’s Determination – For this cause 01 Feb : 07:55 Fred Stallen 4.27MB 299
0/5 : Not rated
The Oldest Promise 02 Feb : 07:59 John McCracken 3.06MB 311
0/5 : Not rated
Discipleship 03 Feb : 07:50 Willie McVey 6.04MB 312
0/5 : Not rated
Revival 05 Feb : 07:52 Fred Naismith 4.35MB 293
0/5 : Not rated
A believer seeking to put the Lord first that he might know his Will 08 Feb : 06:31 Tommy Thompson (Alaska) 5.60MB 291
0/5 : Not rated
We can affect one another in the way we live 09 Feb : 08:41 Peter Orasuk 5.27MB 311
5/5 : 1 Vote
Bringing Glory to God 10 Feb : 08:08 Denis Hinton 3.69MB 287
0/5 : Not rated
As Believers whose superscription do we bear? 11 Feb : 08:03 John Glenville 5.55MB 274
0/5 : Not rated
Shall thy wonders be known 12 Feb : 07:46 Frank Tornaquindici 2.85MB 271
0/5 : Not rated
Work in the Vineyard 13 Feb : 08:33 Bert Gamble 6.50MB 277
0/5 : Not rated
Five negatives in the life of Paul 15 Feb : 08:10 Ron Cunningham 5.83MB 306
0/5 : Not rated
Exercising Gift 17 Feb : 07:12 David Kane 4.09MB 267
0/5 : Not rated
The Love of the Father 02 Mar : 07:38 TW Smith 4.23MB 278
0/5 : Not rated
The drying brook, the dwindling barrel and the dying boy 03 Mar : 07:43 Frank Reid 9.04MB 300
0/5 : Not rated
God knows our tears 13 Mar : 07:39 Robert Surgenor 6.10MB 322
0/5 : Not rated
The True Vine 15 Mar : 06:59 David Kane 4.86MB 300
0/5 : Not rated
Lovest thou me? 17 Mar : 07:44 George Meikle 6.95MB 277
0/5 : Not rated
Something we don’t see and something we do see in Hebrews 19 Mar : 07:38 Norman Turkington 1.97MB 323
0/5 : Not rated
God shall wipe away all tears 29 Mar : 06:38 AMS Gooding 5.13MB 296
0/5 : Not rated
The effect that the Cross of Christ should have on a Christian's life 02 Apr : 06:26 John Glenville 5.82MB 335
0/5 : Not rated
Our Redemption 05 Apr : 07:55 Oswald MacLeod 5.18MB 272
0/5 : Not rated
Ye are witnesses of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ 08 Apr : 08:04 Jim Patterson 5.03MB 227
0/5 : Not rated
The pitiful nature of the Lord Jesus to others 09 Apr : 06:21 Robert McPheat 10.27MB 289
0/5 : Not rated
The Mantle - Passing it on 10 Apr : 08:32 Jim Smith 4.76MB 288
0/5 : Not rated
The Goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ 12 Apr : 06:37 Sydney Maxwell 6.79MB 275
0/5 : Not rated
Contentment 14 Apr : 07:38 Denis Hinton 6.59MB 263
0/5 : Not rated
Encouragement for the last days from Psalm 91 15 Apr : 06:50 Michael Brown 9.67MB 308
5/5 : 1 Vote
Three Great Blessings 16 Apr : 05:47 David Kane 3.38MB 274
0/5 : Not rated
Recipe of a happy life 19 Apr : 05:28 Norman Turkington 4.86MB 238
0/5 : Not rated
The Barriers providing Christian Security - A hedge of thorns, A Wall of Fire and a Fence of Lilies 20 Apr : 06:48 David Kane 2.84MB 258
0/5 : Not rated
A Prize, A Purpose and a Plan 26 Apr : 06:49 Sydney Maxwell 5.29MB 247
0/5 : Not rated
The importance of being energetic in the Lord's Work 27 Apr : 07:45 Norman Turkington 7.84MB 247
0/5 : Not rated
We have to give an account of our Stewardship (Life) to God 28 Apr : 07:20 John Flynn 4.51MB 251
0/5 : Not rated
Crucified with Christ 30 Apr : 06:22 Philip Prior 4.58MB 236
0/5 : Not rated
What we were and what we are now through Christ's Love 01 May : 07:37 Robert Surgenor 5.94MB 346
0/5 : Not rated
Portraits of the Servant 03 May : 07:10 Norman Crawford 8.46MB 262
0/5 : Not rated
The Sluggard in harvest, Spiritual laziness and strange folly 04 May : 07:31 David Kane 3.82MB 264
0/5 : Not rated
Postures of the Lord Jesus in Psalm 110 05 May : 06:29 Norman Turkington 1.82MB 289
0/5 : Not rated
The cost of Backsliding and the care taken to restore the same 06 May : 06:54 Sam Ferguson 4.88MB 389
0/5 : Not rated
We like Paul could say I am a Debtor 07 May : 07:06 Cyril Hocking 5.78MB 258
0/5 : Not rated
The Christians four anchors in 2nd Timothy 08 May : 05:11 Frank Tornaquindici 4.34MB 271
0/5 : Not rated
The Israelite and his Basket, Bag, Battlement, Brethren, Book 25 May : 07:03 Norman Turkington 4.22MB 266
0/5 : Not rated
Spiritual Attitudes 28 May : 06:10 Sydney Maxwell 9.74MB 282
0/5 : Not rated
Three Prayers – The Lord Jesus, Moses and Paul 29 May : 06:38 Fred Stallen 6.30MB 268
0/5 : Not rated
Seeing the Unseeable, Obtaining the unattainable and knowing the unknowable 30 May : 23:25 Oswald MacLeod 6.47MB 256
0/5 : Not rated
Zion - As the Church, As the Towers, As the Bulwarks, As the Palaces 01 Jun : 06:29 Albert Ramsey 4.25MB 309
0/5 : Not rated
Lessons from our disappointments, Limitations and life's storms 03 Jun : 08:06 David Kane 3.62MB 288
0/5 : Not rated
He knoweth them that Trust in him 04 Jun : 05:53 Reggie Jordan 4.26MB 216
0/5 : Not rated
Christ should be seen in a Christian's life 05 Jun : 08:35 Norman Crawford 4.46MB 429
0/5 : Not rated
The announcement of the Gospel - Witness unto me 07 Jun : 06:50 Tom Bentley 9.42MB 237
0/5 : Not rated
Heaven 08 Jun : 07:20 Rowan Jennings 8.57MB 331
0/5 : Not rated
Return to Category List 140759 download(s) from 200 files