
Name Date Author Size DL's Rating Get
The reaction of those who witnessed the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ 18 Sep : 07:41 George Waugh 3.45MB 6
0/5 : Not rated
Spiritual Beauties 04 Sep : 07:31 Tom Meekin 8.47MB 20
0/5 : Not rated
An overview of the Seven Churches 29 Aug : 09:10 Harold Paisley 7.84MB 22
0/5 : Not rated
Shepherd Care and Rule 31 Aug : 08:13 Tom Bentley 8.80MB 26
0/5 : Not rated
Paul's secret of his Christian life 30 May : 04:44 Noel Louden 4.21MB 50
0/5 : Not rated
God working in the heart and lives of His People 04 Mar : 08:16 WJ Nesbitt 5.81MB 52
0/5 : Not rated
The Believer's confidence or Boldness found in the Epistle of Hebrews 08 Feb : 08:24 Alan Prentice 6.46MB 54
0/5 : Not rated
God-His Creation, His Election and His Revelation 21 May : 06:23 Albert McShane 7.21MB 55
0/5 : Not rated
For me to live - Christ, to die - Gain 25 Jul : 09:14 Jack Hunter 5.86MB 57
0/5 : Not rated
Ministry of the Holy Spirit 02 Jun : 10:20 Peter Brandon 10.30MB 59
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Contending Earnestly 14 Apr : 09:17 Tom Meekin 7.41MB 64
0/5 : Not rated
The Believer’s Prize 27 Jul : 05:47 Jim Allen 8.72MB 66
0/5 : Not rated
What is thine Occupation 05 Mar : 21:41 Sam Ferguson 5.78MB 68
0/5 : Not rated
Believers seen as Stewards and Ambassadors for their Lord 30 Jul : 19:47 Sam Ferguson 5.29MB 68
0/5 : Not rated
This present evil World 04 Feb : 22:23 Albert McShane 6.65MB 70
0/5 : Not rated
Taking Stock as we pass into another year 31 Dec : 17:44 Sam McBride 4.61MB 72
0/5 : Not rated
The Characteristics of Remnant Assembly Testimony - Rev 14 15 Nov : 10:24 John Stubbs 4.14MB 73
0/5 : Not rated
A Contrast between Saul and David's Sacrifices. 11 Dec : 10:44 Sam McBride 3.87MB 73
0/5 : Not rated
The Christian and Suffering - We are his workmanship 06 Feb : 08:42 Jim Allen 8.37MB 74
0/5 : Not rated
The Bible's answer to Instability 16 Feb : 08:59 Tom Meekin 6.97MB 77
0/5 : Not rated
A Virtuous Woman, A Strange Woman 04 Aug : 07:48 Albert McShane 5.13MB 77
0/5 : Not rated
Seven things that Abijah delighted in during his reign over Israel 08 May : 07:17 David Kane 6.27MB 79
0/5 : Not rated
Converts that Continued 06 Dec : 15:19 Sam Ferguson 4.41MB 82
0/5 : Not rated
Some of the ways in which the Gospel was spread in Acts 07 Aug : 09:23 Jim Patterson 9.10MB 88
0/5 : Not rated
Consecrating our Lives to His Service 06 Jul : 07:14 Noel Louden 5.30MB 89
0/5 : Not rated
God's purpose in -1 .Persecution, 2 Preaching, 3. Exalting,4. Teaching 25 Jun : 23:10 Jim Patterson 4.52MB 90
0/5 : Not rated
God's Grace and Patience with a disobedient Israel - Micah Ch 7 10 Jun : 17:11 FE Tatford 9.24MB 91
0/5 : Not rated
Effectual Prayer 31 Jan : 09:19 Jack Hunter 8.84MB 91
0/5 : Not rated
Patients in a Hospital 03 Aug : 07:02 Jim Allen 9.47MB 92
0/5 : Not rated
The influences we have on each other 24 Jul : 07:42 David Kane 4.27MB 96
0/5 : Not rated
Examples of Christ in the Epistles for Christian Living 09 Aug : 06:47 Albert McShane 8.32MB 97
0/5 : Not rated
A Great Nation 23 May : 06:03 David Kane 5.68MB 101
0/5 : Not rated
Blessings, we as Christians have come into 22 Jul : 22:36 WJ Nesbitt 5.21MB 102
0/5 : Not rated
Unfolding Divine Truth 13 Jul : 06:48 David Kane 3.41MB 103
0/5 : Not rated
God's Government in the World 15 Jul : 08:54 Albert McShane 5.26MB 104
0/5 : Not rated
Service 12 Jun : 07:31 Jim Burnett 6.05MB 105
0/5 : Not rated
Different Scriptural Paths 25 Feb : 18:43 Sam McBride 5.40MB 106
0/5 : Not rated
The treasures believers obtain spiritually as they worship the Lord Jesus 14 Jun : 07:46 Tom Bentley 9.25MB 108
0/5 : Not rated
Sunday School Work 04 Aug : 07:34 Jim Allen 6.94MB 108
0/5 : Not rated
The end of three journeys - The Welcome, The Wonder and the Worship 27 Jan : 09:55 John Grant 7.39MB 108
0/5 : Not rated
Seeking a Spiritual Home 29 Aug : 06:57 AMS Gooding 8.88MB 109
0/5 : Not rated
Whom will He teach, How will He teach, and What will He teach 31 Aug : 07:23 David Kane 2.91MB 110
0/5 : Not rated
The Commission of the Risen Christ 03 May : 00:25 Sam McBride 5.15MB 113
0/5 : Not rated
How great is our love for Christ 31 Dec : 10:38 AMS Gooding 10.18MB 115
0/5 : Not rated
The different uses Paul makes of the Body 27 Mar : 09:32 Sam Ferguson 4.94MB 115
0/5 : Not rated
Experiencing the hand of God in our life 30 Mar : 06:23 Tom Bentley 7.87MB 116
0/5 : Not rated
And ye shall see me no more 20 Mar : 08:17 John Stubbs 4.96MB 117
0/5 : Not rated
The opportunity for short time Service 19 Feb : 12:25 John Flynn 5.64MB 122
0/5 : Not rated
What is our involvement in the Lord's Work 14 Mar : 23:12 Jim Patterson 6.68MB 122
0/5 : Not rated
An outline of Psalm 45 17 Apr : 07:16 WJ Nesbitt 7.02MB 123
0/5 : Not rated
Maturing Strength 02 Aug : 06:59 Tom Bentley 9.06MB 123
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That I may know him 21 Jun : 06:51 Tom Meekin 8.04MB 123
0/5 : Not rated
Pauls seven Visions in Scripture 22 Jan : 12:01 Harold Paisley 10.28MB 124
0/5 : Not rated
Encouragement to believers as they pass through different storms in life 19 Apr : 07:02 Tom Meekin 8.61MB 125
0/5 : Not rated
Leven Bread 20 Jun : 07:15 Sam McBride 4.87MB 126
0/5 : Not rated
Inspiration, Incarnation and Consolation 27 Dec : 00:21 Jim Flanigan 5.59MB 130
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I beseech you brethren in Romans 02 May : 06:20 George Hall 7.88MB 130
0/5 : Not rated
Conditions for Blessing 24 Jan : 10:07 John Stubbs 5.29MB 132
0/5 : Not rated
The Commandments -The Believer's spiritual Guide 27 Feb : 08:37 John Stubbs 5.08MB 132
0/5 : Not rated
The Believer has victory over death through Christ's Resurrection 10 Apr : 08:15 Sam McBride 5.62MB 132
0/5 : Not rated
The Throne 12 Apr : 22:58 Tom Bentley 5.45MB 134
0/5 : Not rated
Witnessing for the Lord 25 Apr : 06:51 Albert McShane 8.16MB 137
0/5 : Not rated
All things work together for good to them that love God 10 Aug : 07:36 Fred Cundick 2.73MB 138
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Control of the Tongue 08 Apr : 07:30 Jack Hunter 6.05MB 138
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Total Dedication 16 Jun : 07:56 Jim Hutchinson 7.46MB 139
0/5 : Not rated
Accounts 28 Nov : 07:08 Sam Ferguson 5.37MB 140
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How we know that we know God 23 Mar : 23:03 Jim Allen 5.81MB 140
0/5 : Not rated
A study of 1Cor Ch 13 27 May : 22:02 Harry Bell 9.09MB 140
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The Law of the Lord - The function that it promotes 16 Aug : 08:28 Tom Bentley 9.01MB 145
0/5 : Not rated
Jerusalem the city of peace 09 Oct : 08:41 Harold Paisley 8.59MB 146
0/5 : Not rated
Displacements in John's Gospel 03 Oct : 06:47 John Stubbs 8.75MB 147
5/5 : 2 Votes
Buying and selling 19 Aug : 07:36 Sam McBride 6.32MB 148
0/5 : Not rated
Looking back, The Lord was with us looking forward, The Lord's coming 01 May : 08:09 Sam Ferguson 6.43MB 149
0/5 : Not rated
Timothy's Charge - Love out of a pure Heart 01 Sep : 07:06 David Kane 2.97MB 154
0/5 : Not rated
The importance of building and growing for the Lord 28 Jun : 08:15 David Kane 5.55MB 155
0/5 : Not rated
Our Relationship in Christ Past Present and Future 12 Jul : 08:12 Norman Turkington 4.11MB 155
0/5 : Not rated
Paul's concern for the Believers as his departure draws near 04 Jul : 07:29 Tom Meekin 4.78MB 155
0/5 : Not rated
The Two Covenants 24 Oct : 19:22 Rowan Jennings 7.53MB 155
0/5 : Not rated
Some of the Be Nots in Scripture 30 Dec : 10:15 Sam McBride 4.63MB 156
0/5 : Not rated
The Compassions of our Lord Jesus Christ 14 Nov : 07:55 Robert McPheat 10.02MB 158
0/5 : Not rated
The Greatness of Christ displayed in the life of a Believer 20 Jun : 08:18 John Stubbs 7.12MB 159
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Elders 15 May : 07:18 Jim Patterson 9.31MB 161
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Being trained to Reign 11 Jun : 09:14 David Kane 5.22MB 163
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The World 17 Jan : 22:40 Jack Gamble 7.83MB 164
0/5 : Not rated
God revealing himself to his people 03 Dec : 10:34 Albert McShane 5.10MB 164
0/5 : Not rated
The Glory and Wonder of Heaven 01 Oct : 09:53 WJ Nesbitt 7.59MB 165
0/5 : Not rated
Abraham and David's experiences on Mount Moriah, and lessons learned 22 Nov : 08:11 David Kane 4.89MB 165
0/5 : Not rated
The Church at Pergamos 07 Feb : 08:38 Sydney Maxwell 12.40MB 166
0/5 : Not rated
The important work of a Shepherd 07 Mar : 08:05 Fred Cundick 7.34MB 166
0/5 : Not rated
The instructions given to Israel by Moses was to be passed down to future generations 02 May : 08:33 WJ Nesbitt 7.44MB 166
0/5 : Not rated
The need for repentance amongst the children of God 08 Aug : 07:33 Jim Patterson 5.59MB 166
0/5 : Not rated
Paul's Converts in the Faith, His joy in them 11 Aug : 08:36 Sam Ferguson 5.83MB 166
0/5 : Not rated
Psalm 40 A Psalm of encouragement to have confidence in God 06 Sep : 22:01 Andrew Gray 7.34MB 166
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A wake up call to Believers for Revival 22 Mar : 08:42 Jim Allen 5.22MB 168
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Witnessing 14 Nov : 00:09 Jim Patterson 8.52MB 168
0/5 : Not rated
Having Spiritual exercise about Spiritual Recovery 19 Jun : 20:46 John Stubbs 5.08MB 169
0/5 : Not rated
The eating habits of the Lord's people 05 Oct : 21:15 Tom Meekin 5.61MB 171
0/5 : Not rated
Service for the Lord in the life of a Believer 16 Apr : 07:18 Jim Allen 9.64MB 172
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Five Homes 11 Mar : 22:46 Albert McShane 4.43MB 174
0/5 : Not rated
Ministry of Intercession 19 Mar : 08:03 Jim Smith 6.55MB 175
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1st Thessalonians Ch 4 V 14 - Tells us to warn the unruly,comfort the weak and be patient with all 06 May : 08:46 John Hawthorne 4.32MB 175
0/5 : Not rated
Covetousness 12 Feb : 10:24 Robert McPheat 6.06MB 178
0/5 : Not rated
John Ch 17 The Lord prays with Authority for Unity, Separation and Love 17 Jun : 22:03 John Flynn 4.32MB 180
0/5 : Not rated
The Christian and Time Management 05 Aug : 07:37 Tom Meekin 3.98MB 180
0/5 : Not rated
The Altar, The Tent and The Well 18 Feb : 09:35 Sam McBride 6.78MB 181
0/5 : Not rated
The Decline in Assembly Testimony - Christmas 83 17 Jun : 07:16 Bill Halliday 7.07MB 181
0/5 : Not rated
A study of the Fall - Genesis Ch 3 V 7 – 24 28 Apr : 07:54 Albert Leckie 8.99MB 183
0/5 : Not rated
The thoughts of our life 11 Aug : 07:58 Denis Hinton 7.88MB 184
0/5 : Not rated
Spiritual Blessings for us according to what God has done 18 Mar : 09:01 Fred Stallen 6.22MB 184
0/5 : Not rated
A Bride for Isaac 08 Apr : 07:24 Albert McShane 5.13MB 184
0/5 : Not rated
The Lord Jesus instructions to his disciples as they went forth to preach the Gospel 04 May : 08:46 Albert McShane 5.45MB 186
0/5 : Not rated
Circumstances of the Death and the Healing of the Woman 19 Feb : 11:57 Robert McPheat 4.46MB 187
4.5/5 : 2 Votes
Hills and Valleys in the life of a Believer 19 Oct : 08:11 Tom Meekin 7.67MB 187
0/5 : Not rated
The Supremacy of Christ 24 Dec : 09:49 Ron Cunningham 4.25MB 188
0/5 : Not rated
Consecrating our lives for his service 28 Dec : 10:27 Sydney Maxwell 7.04MB 189
0/5 : Not rated
Wearing the Armour of God in our Spiritual Warfare 17 Mar : 09:26 Jim Patterson 9.00MB 189
0/5 : Not rated
The Purpose of God, The Prospect of Glory 31 Mar : 05:53 WJ Nesbitt 6.15MB 190
0/5 : Not rated
The end of the year meeting 1983 31 Dec : 09:13 WJ Nesbitt 3.29MB 192
0/5 : Not rated
Paul's Zeal in the Gospel 02 Jan : 08:53 John Grant 9.62MB 192
0/5 : Not rated
Having confidence in God 09 Jun : 07:54 John Wells 4.50MB 193
0/5 : Not rated
Pride 04 Aug : 08:00 Albert McShane 7.94MB 194
0/5 : Not rated
The believer and his commitment to honouring the Lord in his life 18 Jun : 22:01 Jack Lennox 7.88MB 195
0/5 : Not rated
The commencement of the Work at Philippi 03 Feb : 08:05 Tom Bentley 7.60MB 197
0/5 : Not rated
Faithfulness in that which is least and in that which is much 15 Oct : 07:09 Jim Wamsley 3.35MB 197
0/5 : Not rated
Stephen's Witness and Death in Acts Ch 7 06 Dec : 07:33 Jim Patterson 10.75MB 201
0/5 : Not rated
The Spirit of God 15 Nov : 06:23 Fred Stallen 5.23MB 202
0/5 : Not rated
The Brooks of scripture 12 Mar : 10:57 Robert McPheat 6.07MB 203
0/5 : Not rated
The Personal encounter that the Apostle John had with the Lord Jesus 06 Aug : 08:44 John Flynn 6.24MB 204
0/5 : Not rated
Matthew Ch 16 V13- 19 we have a Rock of Security, The Gates of Authority and the Keys of Responsibility 09 Mar : 08:22 John Flynn 4.88MB 204
0/5 : Not rated
Godliness 18 Nov : 08:07 Alan Maunder 6.88MB 205
0/5 : Not rated
Is anything too hard for the Lord 30 Dec : 09:44 Alec Lyttle 4.48MB 205
0/5 : Not rated
Our relationship with Christ 08 Mar : 07:11 Harry Bell 6.44MB 205
0/5 : Not rated
The Cross and the sufferings of Christ should stand between the Believer and the World 06 Apr : 07:47 Sam Ferguson 4.90MB 205
0/5 : Not rated
Psalm 26 brings encouragement to discouraged believers 28 Sep : 07:54 Jim Hutchinson 5.56MB 207
0/5 : Not rated
Clouds in the life of a Believer 14 Jun : 07:44 Sandy King 4.21MB 208
0/5 : Not rated
The Christian and his association with the Cross 22 Oct : 22:25 Sam McBride 5.41MB 208
0/5 : Not rated
The Call to Responsibility 06 Jul : 07:32 John Flynn 5.09MB 209
0/5 : Not rated
Hopes Certainty 09 Jul : 06:00 Fred Stallen 7.28MB 209
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The walk of depression 25 Mar : 08:53 Jim Allen 7.61MB 209
0/5 : Not rated
Unity Its importance in Psalm 133 14 Feb : 07:47 WJ Nesbitt 6.17MB 210
0/5 : Not rated
The Spiritual man, The Sowing man, The Separated man and the Suffering man 29 Mar : 08:07 John Stubbs 6.15MB 210
0/5 : Not rated
Weakness and Power 03 Aug : 07:11 Norman Turkington 5.46MB 212
0/5 : Not rated
Features that mark the last days 30 Oct : 08:15 Jack Gamble 8.35MB 212
0/5 : Not rated
Spiritual Prosperity 06 Nov : 08:45 Jim Hutchinson 6.10MB 213
0/5 : Not rated
The Apostle John and his Ministry to the Elect Lady 12 Nov : 07:41 WJ Nesbitt 5.59MB 213
0/5 : Not rated
Headship 22 Nov : 07:21 Norman Crawford 5.82MB 215
0/5 : Not rated
He knoweth them that Trust in him 04 Jun : 05:53 Reggie Jordan 4.26MB 216
0/5 : Not rated
Laying aside the weight of Sin and unbelief 21 Mar : 08:25 Herman Beattie 2.68MB 216
0/5 : Not rated
Arrest or Adrift 09 Aug : 05:45 Fred Stallen 7.00MB 217
0/5 : Not rated
Comfort 11 Feb : 07:49 Sam McBride 2.97MB 217
0/5 : Not rated
The Lordship of Christ.. 10 Mar : 07:34 Norman Turkington 5.55MB 217
0/5 : Not rated
The conditions in the Assembly 19 Nov : 06:01 Norman Turkington 3.97MB 218
0/5 : Not rated
Celestial Navigation A sense of direction in Life 29 Dec : 10:00 Tom Meekin 7.45MB 218
0/5 : Not rated
Object of the Father's Chastisement - that we might be Holy 11 Nov : 08:08 Tom Ledger 5.93MB 219
0/5 : Not rated
God Providing Food for his people 31 Jul : 09:00 Norman Turkington 5.14MB 220
0/5 : Not rated
The costliness of the will of God 08 Jan : 10:50 Bernard Stapley 6.60MB 220
0/5 : Not rated
The Character of a remnant Testimony 05 Feb : 10:59 Norman Crawford 7.60MB 223
0/5 : Not rated
Strategies in Desert Warfare 24 Aug : 06:42 Tom Meekin 8.31MB 225
0/5 : Not rated
Priesthood 28 Oct : 06:49 Jim Smith 5.42MB 225
0/5 : Not rated
Words of comfort for those laid aside 31 Jan : 08:34 Sam McBride 1.88MB 225
0/5 : Not rated
The Lord Jesus as an example of an Evangelist, A Pastor and A Teacher 17 Aug : 07:43 Sam Ferguson 4.51MB 225
0/5 : Not rated
The Ass and the Colt not used before 10 Jun : 06:55 David Kane 4.42MB 226
0/5 : Not rated
Some lessons from our Lord in the Garden, at the Gate and in the Glory 17 Feb : 11:20 Albert McShane 4.39MB 226
5/5 : 1 Vote
What is my appreciation of Christ 24 Jun : 05:52 Jim Patterson 5.17MB 226
0/5 : Not rated
Ye are witnesses of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ 08 Apr : 08:04 Jim Patterson 5.03MB 227
0/5 : Not rated
The development of Faith 05 Mar : 10:14 Norman Turkington 4.87MB 227
0/5 : Not rated
The Need for Revival 21 Apr : 06:33 Jim Martin 3.58MB 228
0/5 : Not rated
Distinctions in the Word of God 09 Mar : 22:15 Sam McBride 4.08MB 228
0/5 : Not rated
Three thoughts on Witnessing 28 Jul : 08:15 Jim Patterson 4.35MB 229
0/5 : Not rated
Where do we Believers stand with the rejected Christ of this World 01 Nov : 07:01 Gordon Williams 4.02MB 232
0/5 : Not rated
We as Priests can offer up Praise to God by our Walk and Acts 14 Jun : 07:16 Sam Ferguson 4.21MB 233
0/5 : Not rated
Crucified with Christ 30 Apr : 06:22 Philip Prior 4.58MB 236
0/5 : Not rated
The announcement of the Gospel - Witness unto me 07 Jun : 06:50 Tom Bentley 9.42MB 237
0/5 : Not rated
The Gift of Tongues 13 Nov : 08:27 AMS Gooding 12.35MB 237
0/5 : Not rated
Recipe of a happy life 19 Apr : 05:28 Norman Turkington 4.86MB 238
0/5 : Not rated
Living for Christ, Learning about Christ, Looking for Christ and Leaning on Christ 29 Jun : 08:40 John Stubbs 5.49MB 238
0/5 : Not rated
Lessons which the Lord Jesus taught the Disciples while in Capernaum in Mark Ch 9 04 Jan : 09:08 Isaac Cherry 8.11MB 238
0/5 : Not rated
The Holiness of God 11 Jun : 07:57 Gordon Williams 3.88MB 240
0/5 : Not rated
Going for Gold 05 Aug : 08:12 Albert Hull 8.49MB 240
0/5 : Not rated
One's individual confidence in God 02 Sep : 07:37 John Wells 4.52MB 240
0/5 : Not rated
Lessons we can learn from the temptations of the Lord Jesus (His last message) 27 Oct : 07:32 Joe Turkington 5.57MB 241
0/5 : Not rated
What is unity and its importance in an assembly 08 Nov : 07:17 Peter Orasuk 4.75MB 241
0/5 : Not rated
Warnings to Christians as they journey through life 25 Feb : 09:06 Tom Bentley 10.56MB 241
0/5 : Not rated
Having Oil in your Vessels 07 Oct : 06:35 Albert Leckie 7.26MB 243
0/5 : Not rated
The Shepherd of God's Flock 18 Mar : 09:27 Colin Lacey 8.12MB 243
0/5 : Not rated
Recovery to the Lord 12 Jul : 07:21 Jim Patterson 8.99MB 244
0/5 : Not rated
Personal examples of God's Provision 13 Sep : 07:26 John Flynn 2.67MB 245
0/5 : Not rated
Patient with the Aged 20 Nov : 06:41 Robert McPheat 14.63MB 246
0/5 : Not rated
A Prize, A Purpose and a Plan 26 Apr : 06:49 Sydney Maxwell 5.29MB 247
0/5 : Not rated
The importance of being energetic in the Lord's Work 27 Apr : 07:45 Norman Turkington 7.84MB 247
0/5 : Not rated
The Fruits of Restoration 16 Mar : 09:25 David Kane 3.56MB 249
0/5 : Not rated
Glory 19 Jun : 08:56 Norman Crawford 4.40MB 250
0/5 : Not rated
God's Time Limit 30 Aug : 05:49 Sydney Maxwell 7.38MB 250
0/5 : Not rated
A Word Fitly Spoken 11 Sep : 06:21 David Kane 4.02MB 250
0/5 : Not rated
Presenting your bodies a living Sacrifice unto God 14 Sep : 07:04 Jack Gamble 3.91MB 250
0/5 : Not rated
We have to give an account of our Stewardship (Life) to God 28 Apr : 07:20 John Flynn 4.51MB 251
0/5 : Not rated
The Believer's life should be like a garden bearing fruit 12 Jun : 09:09 Denis Hinton 3.67MB 251
0/5 : Not rated
Ministry of the Lord 31 Aug : 07:48 Fred Stallen 5.30MB 252
0/5 : Not rated
The Observant Servant in Mark's Gospel 04 Aug : 08:10 John Stubbs 5.12MB 254
0/5 : Not rated
Seeing the Unseeable, Obtaining the unattainable and knowing the unknowable 30 May : 23:25 Oswald MacLeod 6.47MB 256
0/5 : Not rated
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