
Name Date Author Size DL's Rating Get
The Face of Christ 01 Jun : 10:32 Robert McPheat 2.06MB 2634
5/5 : 2 Votes
Sufferings of Christ 01 Jun : 10:34 John Hawthorne 1.35MB 2073
4/5 : 2 Votes
Greatness of God 01 Jun : 12:28 Robert McPheat 2.71MB 1754
4/5 : 1 Vote
Christ in Genesis and Exodus 01 Jun : 12:29 Jim Flanigan 6.76MB 1967
5/5 : 2 Votes
Christ in the Offerings 01 Jun : 12:30 Jim Flanigan 6.69MB 2015
5/5 : 1 Vote
Christ in the Tabernacle 01 Jun : 12:31 Jim Flanigan 5.73MB 1846
5/5 : 1 Vote
Christ in Psalms 01 Jun : 12:32 Jim Flanigan 5.89MB 1965
5/5 : 1 Vote
Christ in Song of Solomon 01 Jun : 12:34 Jim Flanigan 5.98MB 1974
5/5 : 1 Vote
Christ in Isaiah 01 Jun : 12:35 Jim Flanigan 5.67MB 1946
5/5 : 2 Votes
Christ in the Gospels 01 Jun : 12:35 Jim Flanigan 6.51MB 1769
0/5 : Not rated
Christ in the Acts 01 Jun : 12:36 Jim Flanigan 6.22MB 1733
5/5 : 1 Vote
Christ in Romans 01 Jun : 12:37 Jim Flanigan 6.17MB 1834
5/5 : 1 Vote
Christ in the Revelation 01 Jun : 12:38 Jim Flanigan 5.98MB 1806
0/5 : Not rated
The Priesthood of the Lord Jesus Christ 01 Jun : 12:41 Brian Currie 6.05MB 1841
0/5 : Not rated
The Sufferings of Christ 01 Jun : 12:42 Harold Paisley 9.96MB 2565
3.5/5 : 1 Vote
Two Sons - Two Journeys 01 Jun : 12:43 Robin McKeown 3.84MB 2135
5/5 : 1 Vote
Joseph 01 Jun : 13:13 Harold Paisley 11.04MB 2358
0/5 : Not rated
Our Lord Jesus Christ 01 Jun : 13:14 Geoff Harrison 9.47MB 1652
5/5 : 1 Vote
The Burial of the Lord Jesus 01 Jun : 13:15 Robert McPheat 7.31MB 2144
4.5/5 : 2 Votes
He is Precious 01 Jun : 13:16 Jim Flanigan 5.76MB 2812
5/5 : 1 Vote
Beauties of Christ 17 Jul : 08:27 Norman Crawford 7.08MB 3191
5/5 : 5 Votes
The Incarnation 22 Dec : 10:57 Jim Flanigan 8.95MB 2079
0/5 : Not rated
He hath done all things well 12 Jan : 20:15 Roland Pickering 5.66MB 2118
5/5 : 2 Votes
The Lord Jesus Christ as captain 21 Jan : 22:51 Gerge Waugh 9.59MB 1594
0/5 : Not rated
Christs rejection 03 Feb : 22:52 David Kane 6.90MB 1740
0/5 : Not rated
God bringing Christ in 25 Feb : 17:09 George Waugh 8.14MB 1513
0/5 : Not rated
Christ as Son of God 11 Mar : 17:53 Geoff Harrison 7.36MB 1631
0/5 : Not rated
Christ Seated 11 Mar : 17:57 George Waugh 6.50MB 1664
0/5 : Not rated
The devotions of Christ 04 Apr : 15:01 Robert McPheat 13.97MB 1876
0/5 : Not rated
Christ Himself 30 Mar : 08:00 Jack Lennox 4.14MB 640
0/5 : Not rated
The Death, Burial and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus 12 Apr : 01:00 Jim Flanigan 10.07MB 1884
4.5/5 : 5 Votes
The Burial of the Lord Jesus Christ 13 Apr : 08:14 D Rodgers 3.37MB 740
4/5 : 1 Vote
The Resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ (Easter 2012) 14 Apr : 07:39 David Gilliland 8.59MB 907
0/5 : Not rated
The Resurrection of Christ - The Source of Power, Joy and Reunion (1991) 15 Apr : 00:31 Jack Lennox 7.84MB 984
5/5 : 1 Vote
The Bodily Resurrection of the Lord Jesus from the dead 16 Apr : 06:23 David Gilliland 6.23MB 661
0/5 : Not rated
The Resurrection and Ascension of the Lord Jesus 17 Apr : 06:21 Harold Paisley 4.26MB 643
0/5 : Not rated
Some of the Couplets in Luke's Gospel showing the Greatness of Christ 26 Apr : 07:21 Jack Lennox 3.13MB 858
0/5 : Not rated
The Greatness of the Lord Jesus Christ 31 May : 07:29 Sydney Maxwell 6.76MB 597
0/5 : Not rated
A Meditation on the Perfect Life of the Lord Jesus 07 Jun : 08:23 Jim Flanigan 4.14MB 740
0/5 : Not rated
Three last things in Matthew Ch 27 - A Linen Cloth, A New Tomb and a last Glimpse 13 Jun : 06:53 Jim Flanigan 5.51MB 916
0/5 : Not rated
The Mount of Transfiguration - His Glory and Mount Moriah - His Suffering 20 Jun : 00:45 Jim Flanigan 8.60MB 623
0/5 : Not rated
Christ's Claims to the Throne and the Universe 17 Aug : 08:08 Bernard Stapley 4.60MB 456
0/5 : Not rated
The Coronation of our Blessed Redeemer and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ 12 Sep : 07:01 Harold Paisley 3.91MB 460
4/5 : 1 Vote
What is my Beloved more than another Beloved 19 Sep : 07:38 Harold Paisley 7.73MB 524
0/5 : Not rated
Christ in Hebrews 20 Oct : 06:21 Jim Flanigan 10.58MB 399
0/5 : Not rated
The Glory that should follow 21 Oct : 07:00 Harold Paisley 10.28MB 409
0/5 : Not rated
The Person of the Lord Jesus Christ 26 Oct : 06:06 Denis Hinton 2.57MB 463
0/5 : Not rated
Our Lord and Saviour 28 Oct : 08:43 DL Craig 3.97MB 368
0/5 : Not rated
My Lord 03 Nov : 06:57 Leonard Mullan (Japan) 1.56MB 568
0/5 : Not rated
The Lord is my Shepherd 27 Dec : 08:09 R Beattie (Aged 84) 5.76MB 400
0/5 : Not rated
Consider Him, Consider our High Priest and Consider this Man 28 Dec : 08:15 Bert Gamble 9.14MB 553
0/5 : Not rated
Our Lord Jesus Christ - His Person 01 Jan : 09:34 Harold Paisley 6.09MB 408
0/5 : Not rated
The Lord Jesus is my Shepherd, my Surety, my Saviour and my Lord 16 Jan : 09:32 Gordon Williams 2.20MB 351
0/5 : Not rated
The Hidden years of Christ 18 Jan : 08:21 Harold Paisley 9.61MB 903
0/5 : Not rated
The suffering and exaltation of the Lord Jesus in Isaiah Ch 52 V 13-15 30 Jan : 09:26 Frank Tornaquindici 2.74MB 371
0/5 : Not rated
Occupation with the person of our Lord Jesus Christ 06 Feb : 08:52 TW Smith 6.67MB 323
0/5 : Not rated
The Hind of the morning 20 Mar : 08:09 Harold Paisley 11.79MB 537
0/5 : Not rated
Christ and the Mount of Olives 27 Mar : 08:04 Harold Paisley 9.78MB 362
0/5 : Not rated
The trial and confession of our Lord Jesus Christ 30 Mar : 06:37 Robert McPheat 12.21MB 632
0/5 : Not rated
The Uniqueness of Christ in his Life, Death and Glory 03 Apr : 07:57 Tom Bentley 7.37MB 502
0/5 : Not rated
Two monumental events in History - Christ's Death and Resurrection 04 Apr : 07:45 Gordon Williams 6.30MB 426
0/5 : Not rated
Our Lord's miraculous death and what it means to us 06 Apr : 07:37 Rowan Jennings 6.93MB 364
0/5 : Not rated
The resurrection of the Lord Jesus 07 Apr : 08:07 John Stubbs 8.26MB 341
0/5 : Not rated
The exotic and un-natural love the Father hath bestowed upon us 13 Apr : 06:38 Fred Stallen 6.79MB 326
0/5 : Not rated
The Treasure 27 May : 07:42 Norman Crawford 2.80MB 466
0/5 : Not rated
The sensitivity and feelings of Christ 24 Jun : 07:54 Robert McPheat 4.45MB 300
0/5 : Not rated
Some of the Beauties of the Lord Jesus seen as Sovereign King 30 Jun : 08:09 Harold Paisley 5.52MB 494
0/5 : Not rated
The Identifying wounds of the Lord Jesus 13 Aug : 08:17 Harold Paisley 9.32MB 554
0/5 : Not rated
Myrrh - Our Communion with Christ 16 Sep : 07:16 Eric Hughes 7.60MB 287
0/5 : Not rated
As I have Loved you 04 Dec : 10:18 Robert McPheat 10.08MB 239
0/5 : Not rated
The Person of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 - His Deity 10 Dec : 07:20 Albert Leckie 6.18MB 293
0/5 : Not rated
The Person of our Lord Jesus Christ 2 - His Manhood 11 Dec : 09:53 Albert Leckie 7.84MB 216
0/5 : Not rated
The Person of our Lord Jesus Christ 3 - The Cross 12 Dec : 09:20 Albert Leckie 8.85MB 235
0/5 : Not rated
The Person of our Lord Jesus Christ 4 – Identification 13 Dec : 08:05 Albert Leckie 12.04MB 208
0/5 : Not rated
The Person of our Lord Jesus Christ 5 - The Cross - Why 14 Dec : 08:31 Albert Leckie 7.75MB 295
0/5 : Not rated
The Person of our Lord Jesus Christ 6 - Resurrection 15 Dec : 08:34 Albert Leckie 9.18MB 195
0/5 : Not rated
The Person of our Lord Jesus Christ 7 - Ascension 16 Dec : 07:01 Albert Leckie 9.57MB 199
0/5 : Not rated
The Person of our Lord Jesus Christ 8 -The Lord Jesus as our Priest and Advocate 17 Dec : 07:41 Albert Leckie 8.90MB 209
0/5 : Not rated
The Person of our Lord Jesus Christ 9 -Headship 18 Dec : 09:55 Albert Leckie 9.04MB 220
0/5 : Not rated
The Person of our Lord Jesus Christ 10 - Return to the Air 19 Dec : 11:22 Albert Leckie 8.78MB 230
0/5 : Not rated
The Person of our Lord Jesus Christ 11 - Appearing and Kingdom 20 Dec : 07:48 Albert Leckie 8.56MB 227
0/5 : Not rated
The Person of our Lord Jesus Christ 12 - Power and Coming 21 Dec : 09:26 Albert Leckie 9.17MB 196
0/5 : Not rated
And looking upon Jesus - Seeing his Glory 23 Dec : 10:16 Tom Bentley 5.63MB 243
0/5 : Not rated
The Virgin Birth of Christ 24 Dec : 21:21 AMS Gooding 12.04MB 272
0/5 : Not rated
The sympathy of the Lord Jesus 27 Dec : 10:02 Robert McPheat 11.70MB 308
0/5 : Not rated
Our Lord Jesus shall reign supreme eternally 05 Jan : 11:01 Sam Ferguson 4.54MB 219
0/5 : Not rated
The Lamb Feeding, Followed and Fighting 29 Jan : 11:34 John Stubbs 5.67MB 292
0/5 : Not rated
The pre-eminence of the Lord Jesus 29 Jun : 08:33 AMS Gooding 7.46MB 408
0/5 : Not rated
The Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ 13 Jul : 09:01 Albert Leckie 9.31MB 225
0/5 : Not rated
Events surrounding the Birth of Christ 25 Dec : 09:42 WJ Nesbitt 7.64MB 243
0/5 : Not rated
The Risen Christ 28 Jan : 12:48 Same Ferguson 8.85MB 194
0/5 : Not rated
The devotion of the Lord Jesus found in David's love for Jonathan 28 Mar : 06:48 Harold Paisley 9.17MB 137
0/5 : Not rated
Cross 1 - A study of the Cross in Genesis Ch 22 03 Apr : 08:13 John Grant 8.89MB 180
0/5 : Not rated
Cross 2 - The Cross in Exodus Ch 12 05 Apr : 07:45 John Grant 9.75MB 406
0/5 : Not rated
Cross 3 - The Cross in Lev Ch 16 07 Apr : 06:41 John Grant 10.51MB 370
0/5 : Not rated
Cross 4 - The Cross in Num Ch 19 09 Apr : 09:21 John Grant 10.30MB 338
0/5 : Not rated
What the Lord Jesus said and thought about his Father 13 Apr : 08:15 Jim Hutchinson 6.31MB 168
0/5 : Not rated
The Sufferings of Christ and the glory that will follow 07 Jun : 06:58 Eric McCullough 5.45MB 166
0/5 : Not rated
The perfect Servant Seated 02 Jul : 09:35 WJ Nesbitt 7.29MB 194
0/5 : Not rated
The Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ 26 Jul : 12:05 Harold Paisley 4.29MB 367
0/5 : Not rated
John Ch 17 V 13 - 26 The Sanctuary Prayer of the Son 04 Sep : 07:17 Albert Leckie 6.90MB 257
0/5 : Not rated
The Humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ 25 Dec : 23:51 Sam Ferguson 5.37MB 325
0/5 : Not rated
Three Promises - The Virgin Birth, Calvary and the Lord's Coming 27 Dec : 14:23 Sam McBride 8.43MB 220
0/5 : Not rated
The significance of the Lord's Death 03 Jan : 11:05 WJ Nesbitt 7.02MB 384
0/5 : Not rated
Blessings in Christ 11 Jan : 09:35 Jack Hunter 11.10MB 266
0/5 : Not rated
The love of the Christian for the Lord Jesus illustrated in David and Jonathan 23 May : 06:33 Harold Paisley 9.11MB 160
0/5 : Not rated
The Cross and the Sufferings of Christ 11 Jul : 06:56 WJ Nesbitt 7.55MB 123
0/5 : Not rated
Beauties of the Lord Jesus found in the Song of Solomon 23 Jul : 22:40 Harold Paisley 9.82MB 41
0/5 : Not rated
The Lord Jesus seen as the King of Glory in Psalm 24 20 Sep : 07:41 Harold Paisley 7.74MB 6
0/5 : Not rated
Return to Category List 90443 download(s) from 109 files