
Name Date Author Size DL's Rating Get
The Person of our Lord Jesus Christ 7 - Ascension 16 Dec : 07:01 Albert Leckie 9.57MB 199
0/5 : Not rated
The Lord Jesus Christ as captain 21 Jan : 22:51 Gerge Waugh 9.59MB 1594
0/5 : Not rated
The Hidden years of Christ 18 Jan : 08:21 Harold Paisley 9.61MB 903
0/5 : Not rated
Cross 2 - The Cross in Exodus Ch 12 05 Apr : 07:45 John Grant 9.75MB 406
0/5 : Not rated
Christ and the Mount of Olives 27 Mar : 08:04 Harold Paisley 9.78MB 362
0/5 : Not rated
Beauties of the Lord Jesus found in the Song of Solomon 23 Jul : 22:40 Harold Paisley 9.82MB 41
0/5 : Not rated
The Sufferings of Christ 01 Jun : 12:42 Harold Paisley 9.96MB 2565
3.5/5 : 1 Vote
The Death, Burial and Resurrection of the Lord Jesus 12 Apr : 01:00 Jim Flanigan 10.07MB 1884
4.5/5 : 5 Votes
As I have Loved you 04 Dec : 10:18 Robert McPheat 10.08MB 239
0/5 : Not rated
The Glory that should follow 21 Oct : 07:00 Harold Paisley 10.28MB 409
0/5 : Not rated
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