
Name Date Author Size DL's Rating Get
Abraham - He looked for a city 16 Sep : 07:37 Jim Allen 9.54MB 9
0/5 : Not rated
Jeremiah 5 - The Consolations of Jeremiah 17 Aug : 09:23 John Grant 9.47MB 23
0/5 : Not rated
Jeremiah 2 – The Conditions he encountered 11 Aug : 08:58 John Grant 9.35MB 25
0/5 : Not rated
Jeremiah 3 - The Complaints which Jeremiah had 13 Aug : 08:34 John Grant 9.65MB 53
0/5 : Not rated
A character study of Joses surnamed Barnabas 21 Jul : 09:11 George Hall 7.49MB 56
0/5 : Not rated
Jephthah - Dispossessed, Diplomatic, Devoted and Determined man 25 May : 09:52 John Grant 9.68MB 58
0/5 : Not rated
Jeremiah 4 - The Convictions which Jeremiah had 15 Aug : 07:16 John Grant 9.28MB 58
0/5 : Not rated
The early days of Faith in Abraham's life 19 May : 08:44 George Hall 8.69MB 64
0/5 : Not rated
Jeremiah 1 - The Call which Jeremiah received 10 Aug : 07:56 John Grant 9.86MB 64
0/5 : Not rated
Hezekiah's Tasks 03 Aug : 09:00 Jim Allen 7.57MB 72
0/5 : Not rated
Jacob - The making of a man of God - 5 23 Dec : 22:34 John Grant 10.11MB 76
0/5 : Not rated
Studies on the life of Jacob 1 - The Ministry of Angels 22 Nov : 09:19 Jack Hunter 8.74MB 81
0/5 : Not rated
Jacob - The making of a man of God - 1 17 Dec : 00:08 John Grant 8.32MB 84
0/5 : Not rated
Hezekiah and Revival 27 Apr : 07:00 Noel Louden 5.97MB 93
0/5 : Not rated
Joshua - The man and his Ministry - 5 17 Feb : 09:22 Tom Bentley 10.96MB 108
0/5 : Not rated
Some of God's dealings with Abraham - 3 11 May : 06:05 Tom Bentley 10.86MB 110
0/5 : Not rated
Some of God's dealings with Abraham - 4 13 May : 08:27 Tom Bentley 10.82MB 110
0/5 : Not rated
Jacob's encounter with God 15 Apr : 05:55 John McCormack 7.34MB 113
0/5 : Not rated
Some of God's dealings with Abraham - 1 07 May : 11:16 Tom Bentley 10.68MB 113
0/5 : Not rated
Some of God's dealings with Abraham - 2 09 May : 06:40 Tom Bentley 10.40MB 113
0/5 : Not rated
Peter - Pattern for our Walk 16 Jul : 10:01 Tom Meekin 8.44MB 113
0/5 : Not rated
Jacob - The making of a man of God - 2 18 Dec : 20:55 John Grant 7.10MB 113
0/5 : Not rated
Hezekiah's Problems, Prayer and Praise 03 Jan : 10:52 Jim Allen 8.31MB 116
0/5 : Not rated
Seven times that the Hand of God was on Ezekiel 05 Jan : 09:33 Tom Bentley 6.65MB 119
0/5 : Not rated
Joshua - The man and his Ministry - 2 11 Feb : 00:27 Tom Bentley 10.77MB 120
0/5 : Not rated
Joshua - The man and his Ministry - 4 15 Feb : 09:33 Tom Bentley 10.91MB 121
0/5 : Not rated
Peter - His example for preaching the Word 20 Jul : 05:52 Tom Meekin 8.43MB 127
0/5 : Not rated
Some of the characteristics of the Mary of Nazareth 11 Apr : 08:33 Jim Flanigan 7.03MB 131
0/5 : Not rated
Studies on the life of Jacob 4 - The Government of God 27 Nov : 23:03 Jack Hunter 10.91MB 136
0/5 : Not rated
Joshua - The man and his Ministry - 1 09 Feb : 08:15 Tom Bentley 10.27MB 144
0/5 : Not rated
Joshua - The man and his Ministry - 3 13 Feb : 07:55 Tom Bentley 10.18MB 144
0/5 : Not rated
Studies on the life of Jacob 5 - Knowing the Will of God in your Life 29 Nov : 09:31 Jack Hunter 10.60MB 144
0/5 : Not rated
The ideal Christian couple - Aquila and Priscilla 01 Aug : 09:07 Noel Louden 2.55MB 148
0/5 : Not rated
Abraham's Testimony 06 Aug : 08:03 John Stubbs 5.83MB 151
0/5 : Not rated
Studies on the life of Jacob 3 - Giving - Should we tithe our Income 25 Nov : 08:04 Jack Hunter 11.44MB 151
0/5 : Not rated
Caleb - For 45 Years he sought to follow the Lord 05 May : 07:22 Tom Meekin 6.69MB 152
0/5 : Not rated
Studies on the life of Jacob 6 - The Election of God and Human Responsibility 01 Dec : 10:40 Jack Hunter 8.70MB 153
0/5 : Not rated
Moses a man of God - Exodus Ch 3 01 Apr : 08:32 Jim Martin 7.40MB 157
0/5 : Not rated
Paul's humility - Least of the Apostles 11 Mar : 08:28 John Douglas 5.43MB 178
0/5 : Not rated
Naboth's stand for his Vineyard, The Secret of Elisha's Power 18 Aug : 07:52 Robert McPheat 9.28MB 180
0/5 : Not rated
Job Tested and his reward 07 Jan : 08:32 Sam McBride 3.45MB 192
0/5 : Not rated
Peter - An example of the Pastor and his Work 18 Jul : 05:30 Tom Meekin 9.08MB 198
0/5 : Not rated
Abraham 5 - Abrahams recovery, returns from Egypt but his riches brings strife 20 Aug : 07:05 AMS Gooding 10.66MB 208
0/5 : Not rated
Old Testament Women 2 - Hannah 26 Aug : 07:09 Albert McShane 8.90MB 216
0/5 : Not rated
Studies on the life of Jacob 2 - The House of God 23 Nov : 09:43 Jack Hunter 11.63MB 221
0/5 : Not rated
Paul's Life an example to follow 26 Jun : 09:16 Tommy Thompson (Alaska) 7.81MB 223
0/5 : Not rated
Some of the Blessings which Joseph enjoyed from events in earlier life 01 Feb : 07:54 Albert McShane 6.69MB 223
0/5 : Not rated
Abraham 2 - Abraham's partial obedience to the Word of God in Haran 17 Aug : 06:34 AMS Gooding 10.17MB 230
0/5 : Not rated
Abraham 4 - Backsliding Abraham journeys South enjoying the pleasures of Egypt 19 Aug : 00:20 AMS Gooding 10.22MB 233
0/5 : Not rated
Old Testament Women 3 - Esther 27 Aug : 07:54 Albert McShane 8.46MB 234
0/5 : Not rated
Abraham 3 - Abraham passed through the Promised Land seeking an earthly city while out of God's Will 18 Aug : 07:17 AMS Gooding 9.91MB 236
0/5 : Not rated
Seven Important Steps that Moses made - Discipleship 02 Jun : 06:53 John Flynn 2.86MB 242
0/5 : Not rated
Jacob - The making of a man of God - 4 22 Dec : 11:03 John Grant 8.60MB 242
0/5 : Not rated
Abraham 6 - When Abraham is in fellowship with God he wants to see Lot restored too 21 Aug : 06:11 AMS Gooding 10.48MB 243
0/5 : Not rated
Barnabas - A Levite, a good man and full of the Holy Ghost 22 Jun : 06:36 John Stubbs 6.74MB 254
0/5 : Not rated
Old Testament Women 1 - Deborah 25 Aug : 07:52 Albert McShane 9.12MB 255
0/5 : Not rated
John The Disciple whom Jesus loved 01 Jan : 00:00 Robert McPheat 9.58MB 261
0/5 : Not rated
Pricilla and Aquila 24 Apr : 08:01 Fred Stallen 5.34MB 262
0/5 : Not rated
Joseph and his Brothers 03 Jul : 08:25 John Stubbs 6.40MB 263
0/5 : Not rated
The life of the man called Jacob 28 Jun : 07:29 Jack Gamble 7.57MB 264
0/5 : Not rated
Solomon loved the Lord resulting from David's example 27 Jul : 08:51 Jim Smith 5.23MB 287
0/5 : Not rated
Abraham 1 - The Productivity of the Non Productive years in the life of Abraham 16 Aug : 07:46 AMS Gooding 8.83MB 290
0/5 : Not rated
The work of God in the life of Naaman 04 Mar : 07:09 Jim Anderson 5.48MB 300
0/5 : Not rated
The two Jothams 03 Sep : 06:46 Fred Stallen 5.60MB 306
0/5 : Not rated
Josiah - A young man ,an example to Believers to serve the Lord 13 Jul : 08:23 Eric Hughes 5.46MB 309
0/5 : Not rated
Elisha – A man of God 18 Mar : 07:09 Jim Anderson 5.17MB 314
0/5 : Not rated
The Life of Asa 29 Jan : 07:50 Joe Milne 6.43MB 315
0/5 : Not rated
Peter, John Mark and Apollos - Three men who needed Spiritual Adjustment 10 Aug : 06:47 John Stubbs 6.08MB 318
0/5 : Not rated
Jacob - The making of a man of God - 3 20 Dec : 15:26 John Grant 10.41MB 318
0/5 : Not rated
Timothy 18 Dec : 08:20 Norman Turkington 4.59MB 321
0/5 : Not rated
Six people in Genesis whose actions were a Preparation for Joseph 17 Sep : 07:44 Jim Smith 5.70MB 333
0/5 : Not rated
Lessons from two old men who served the Lord Faithfully - Samuel and John 17 Oct : 09:47 Jim Burnett 5.75MB 336
0/5 : Not rated
Abraham’s Call, Command, Challenge and decision 02 Nov : 07:00 John Flynn 4.68MB 336
0/5 : Not rated
Life of Enoch 16 Nov : 23:11 Jack Hunter 9.48MB 339
0/5 : Not rated
Rahab among Four Gentile Women 09 Sep : 07:08 John Wells 3.62MB 350
0/5 : Not rated
John Leaning, Lying, Lingering, and Longing 29 Sep : 23:39 John Stubbs 5.91MB 350
0/5 : Not rated
Paul as a Preacher, Prophet, Pastor, Pilgrim and Prisoner 23 Oct : 06:18 Norman Turkington 4.52MB 358
0/5 : Not rated
The man Boaz 08 Nov : 09:13 John Wells 6.55MB 360
0/5 : Not rated
The Biography of Joseph 31 Oct : 08:58 Harold Paisley 6.52MB 369
0/5 : Not rated
A Study of Joseph 2 - Joseph's Testimony 28 Sep : 06:55 Harold Paisley 8.38MB 376
0/5 : Not rated
A Character Study - Qualities that Paul found in Timothy 24 Mar : 07:09 Sam Ferguson 6.27MB 382
0/5 : Not rated
Paul's attitude, advice and action 04 Sep : 06:49 John Hawthorne 4.39MB 398
0/5 : Not rated
The disciple whom Jesus Loved 01 Dec : 07:24 David Kane 4.38MB 405
0/5 : Not rated
Naboth - Obedience to God 19 Oct : 06:55 David Kane 3.77MB 407
0/5 : Not rated
A Study of Joseph 1 - Joseph's Trials 27 Sep : 07:12 Harold Paisley 7.98MB 409
4/5 : 1 Vote
Outstanding Bible Characters 3 - David, the man after God's own Heart 22 Jul : 07:53 Jim Burnett 8.92MB 411
0/5 : Not rated
A Study of Joseph 3 - Joseph's Tears 29 Sep : 06:14 Harold Paisley 9.26MB 415
0/5 : Not rated
Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest 22 Sep : 06:40 David Kane 4.49MB 427
0/5 : Not rated
A Study of Joseph 4 - Joseph's Triumphs 30 Sep : 06:19 Harold Paisley 8.65MB 435
0/5 : Not rated
Outstanding Bible Characters 1 - Abraham, the friend of God 20 Jul : 06:27 Jim Burnett 8.66MB 447
0/5 : Not rated
The life of Enoch 24 Aug : 07:06 John Wells 2.93MB 466
0/5 : Not rated
Outstanding Bible Characters 4 - Paul, the servant of God 23 Jul : 07:44 Jim Burnett 8.79MB 474
0/5 : Not rated
The Story of David 22 Oct : 07:22 Jimmy Paton 8.00MB 484
5/5 : 1 Vote
Paul 04 Jan : 06:03 Albert Ramsey 4.97MB 495
0/5 : Not rated
Outstanding Bible Characters 2 - Moses the Man of God 21 Jul : 07:28 Jim Burnett 8.98MB 504
0/5 : Not rated
Joseph and Daniel overcoming temptation 22 Apr : 08:12 Albert McShane 4.78MB 547
0/5 : Not rated
John - Weeping, Wondering and Worshipping 15 Jan : 07:38 John Hawthorne 4.39MB 575
0/5 : Not rated
Joseph - A man who knew and trusted his God 20 Apr : 08:20 Jim Brown 6.08MB 622
0/5 : Not rated
Daniel's testimony as an old man 21 Apr : 08:08 Albert McShane 2.55MB 674
0/5 : Not rated
David's thoughts as a young man 23 Apr : 08:04 Harold Paisley 6.78MB 678
0/5 : Not rated
Jacob - The believer sowing and reaping spiritually 25 Apr : 07:17 Gordon Williams 4.77MB 746
0/5 : Not rated
Elisha - A man of God 24 Apr : 06:29 Tom Bentley 6.20MB 758
0/5 : Not rated
Ananias and Onesiphoris - examples to follow in the Lord's Service 19 Apr : 08:12 Albert Aiken 6.83MB 762
0/5 : Not rated
The Word of the Lord concerning Ahab 25 Mar : 09:48 Fred Cundick 11.89MB 1736
0/5 : Not rated
Ahaziah 23 Jan : 13:16 Fred Cundick 9.96MB 1750
0/5 : Not rated
Elijah 07 Jun : 01:18 Fred Cundick 9.61MB 1815
0/5 : Not rated
Moses Part 3 01 Jun : 14:08 Jack Hunter 10.66MB 1844
0/5 : Not rated
Hagar 11 Jan : 22:23 AMS Gooding 8.29MB 1878
0/5 : Not rated
Melchizedek - Prophetically 12 Feb : 10:10 AMS Gooding 8.69MB 1885
0/5 : Not rated
Melchizedek Historically 03 Feb : 23:03 AMS Gooding 15.74MB 1928
0/5 : Not rated
The Man of God - 1 Kings 13 01 Jun : 14:13 Jack Hunter 10.97MB 1961
5/5 : 1 Vote
Samson 19 Feb : 09:10 Jack Hunter 7.79MB 2018
5/5 : 1 Vote
Elijah - Conflict on Carmel 06 Jan : 15:55 Fred Cundick 13.05MB 2020
0/5 : Not rated
David's Kingdom 12 Feb : 21:29 Geoff Harrison 12.45MB 2024
0/5 : Not rated
Isaiah - Crisis and Cleansing 01 Jun : 14:15 Albert Hull 5.15MB 2049
0/5 : Not rated
Moses Part 4 01 Jun : 14:11 Jack Hunter 10.66MB 2050
0/5 : Not rated
The King that Could Destroy his Enemies 12 Feb : 21:33 Geoff Harrison 16.30MB 2068
0/5 : Not rated
Moses Part 5 01 Jun : 14:11 Jack Hunter 11.39MB 2077
0/5 : Not rated
Elijah - Flight of a Prophet 05 Aug : 08:23 Fred Cundick 12.09MB 2099
0/5 : Not rated
Peter Himself 25 Feb : 17:08 George Waugh 9.73MB 2126
0/5 : Not rated
Rahab 21 Jan : 22:53 Jack Hunter 7.37MB 2134
0/5 : Not rated
Ruth 28 Jan : 13:20 Jack Hunter 8.13MB 2232
0/5 : Not rated
Abraham - The Man of Faith 01 Jun : 14:14 Jack Hunter 12.88MB 2340
0/5 : Not rated
Moses Part 2 01 Jun : 14:07 Jack Hunter 11.12MB 2518
0/5 : Not rated
Moses Part 1 01 Jun : 14:07 Jack Hunter 11.51MB 2530
0/5 : Not rated
Enoch 01 Jun : 14:12 Jack Hunter 7.02MB 2579
3.5/5 : 2 Votes
Isaac 18 Aug : 13:22 Eric Parmenter 11.37MB 2608
0/5 : Not rated
Joseph the husband of Mary 01 Jun : 09:56 Albert McShane 3.33MB 3232
0/5 : Not rated
Studies in the Life of Moses: Message 1 03 Mar : 22:52 Geoff Harrison 11.57MB 11838
0/5 : Not rated
Studies in the Life of Moses: Message 2 11 Mar : 17:54 Geoff Harrison 14.17MB 12431
0/5 : Not rated
Studies in the Life of Moses: Message 3 19 Mar : 12:34 Geoff Harrison 13.66MB 12543
0/5 : Not rated
Studies in the life of Moses: Message 4 25 Mar : 09:46 Geoff Harrison 12.15MB 13689
0/5 : Not rated
Samuel in his Family 04 Apr : 14:04 Geoff Harrison 13.60MB 15557
0/5 : Not rated
Samuel 04 Apr : 14:03 Geoff Harrison 14.11MB 15650
0/5 : Not rated
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