The Index to the free downloads can be accessed by clicking this link -
Welcome to Joe Skelly's tape library. It is an extensive collection of Gospel, Ministry and Bible readings. These started on reel-to-reel, moving to cassette, to CD and now to MP3 recordings.
The Library contains over 14,000 messages. These have been built up since the Library was commenced in 1966 and are being continually added to.
The aim of the Library is to spread the Word of God worldwide and in so doing magnify the person of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We would like you to enjoy the recordings and hope that these will be a blessing to you. There are a number of free messages in the sound downloads section. Feel free to make use of these.
Tape Teaching is a non-profit making organisation. Any money received goes to cover running costs. Should there be any money left over at the end of the year it goes to one of the Lord's Servants
We are still trying to release an extra free downloadable message every other day. We hope this will be a blessing to you.
Message uploaded 16 September Jim Allen - Abraham - He looked for a city
It was added to the Character Studies section of the downloads -
Recently added: -
Added to the Various section of the downloads -
29 December Tom Meekin - Reading the Times
31 December Sam McBride - Taking Stock as we pass into another year
2 January John Grant - Paul's Zeal in the Gospel
27 January John Grant - The end of three journeys - The Welcome, The Wonder and the Worship
31 January Jack Hunter - Effectual Prayer
4 February Albert McShane - This present evil World
6 February Jim Allen - The Christian and Suffering - We are his workmanship
8 February Alan Prentice - The Believer's confidence or Boldness found in the Epistle of Hebrews
16 February Tom Meekin - The Bible's answer to Instability
4 March WJ Nesbitt - God working in the heart and lives of his people
5 March Sam Ferguson - What is thine Occupation
9 March Sam McBride - Distinctions in the Word of God
23 March Jim Allen - How we know that we know God
27 March Sam Ferguson - The different uses Paul makes of the Body
6 April Sam Ferguson - The Cross and the sufferings of Christ should stand between the Believer and the World
8 April Jack Hunter - Control of the Tongue
10 April Sam McBride - The Believer has victory over death through Christ's Resurrection
12 April Tom Bentley - The Throne
14 April Tom Meekin - Contending Earnestly
16 April Jim Allen - Service for the Lord in the life of a Believer
2 May George Hall - I beseech you brethren in Romans
4 May Albert McShane - The Lord Jesus instructions to his disciples as they went forth to preach the Gospel
6 May John Hawthorne -1st Thessalonians Ch 4 V 14 - Tells us to warn the unruly, comfort the weak and be patient with all
8 May David Kane - Seven things that Abijah delighted in during his reign over Israel
21 May Albert McShane - God-His Creation, His Election and His Revelation
27 May Harry Bell - A study of 1Cor Ch 13
30 May Noel Louden - Paul's secret of his Christian life
2 June Peter Brandon - Ministry of the Holy Spirit
20 June Sam McBride - Leven Bread
21 June Tom Meekin - That I may know him
13 July David Kane - Unfolding Divine Truth
15 July Albert McShane - God's Government in the World
25 July Jack Hunter - For me to live - Christ, to die - Gain
27 July Jim Allen - The Believer’s Prize
30 July Sam Ferguson - Believers seen as Stewards and Ambassadors for their Lord
4 August Albert McShane - A Virtuous Woman, A Strange Woman
29 August Harold Paisley - An overview of the Seven Churches
31 August Tom Bentley - Shepherd Care and Rule
4 September Tom Meekin - Spiritual Beauties
Added to the Gospel section of the downloads -
1 January Tom Bentley - Gospel - Him that cometh to me I will in no way cast out
7 January Tom Meekin - Gospel The drama of moving
1 March Jack Hunter - Gospel - A Change in your Life
7 March Tom Bentley - The Word Salvation mentioned five times in Acts
21 March Peter Brandon - Gospel - The right approach to God
29 March Sam McBride - Born from above
31 March John Hawthorne - Death
2 April Albert McShane - The Bread of Life
4 April John Grant - Gospel- The Cross Demands, Divides and Delivers
16 June Sam Ferguson - Gospel - God's Oaths in the Gospel
8 August Harold Paisley - What shall I do then with Jesus
2 September Peter Brandon - Gospel - Strive to enter the Kingdom
14 September Jim Flanigan - Gospel The death burial and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ
Added to the Devotional section of the Downloads -
25 December Sam Ferguson - The Humanity of the Lord Jesus Christ
27 December Sam McBride - The Virgin Birth, Calvary and the Lord's Coming
3 January WJ Nesbitt - The significance of the Lord's Death
11 January Jack Hunter - Blessings in Christ
23 May Harold Paisley - The love of the Christian for the Lord Jesus illustrated in David and Jonathan
11 July WJ Nesbitt - The Cross and the Sufferings of Christ
23 July Harold Paisley - Beauties of the Lord Jesus found in the Song of Solomon
Added to the Series of Messages on Bible Topics section of the downloads -
18 February John Grant - Lordship 1 The Lordship of our Lord Jesus Christ
20 February John Grant - Lordship 2 Lordship in Creation
22 February John Grant - Lordship 3 Lordship in Redemption
24 February John Grant - Lordship 4 Lordship in the Parabolic Ministry of the Lord Jesus
26 February John Grant - Lordship 5 Lordship in view of the Cross
28 February John Grant - Lordship 6 Lordship in the assembly
11 March Tom Meekin - Spiritual Growth 1 - Spiritual Vision enhances Spiritual Growth
13 March Tom Meekin - Spiritual Growth 2 - Hearing the Word of God
15 March Tom Meekin - Spiritual Growth 3 - A taste of spiritual things
17 March Tom Meekin - Spiritual Growth 4 - The Smell or aroma of our Lord Jesus as we draw near in Worship
19 March Tom Meekin - Spiritual Growth 5 - Our touch of Testimony in the World
19 August Jim Allen - Titles 1 - The Captain of our Salvation
21 August Jim Allen - Titles 2 - Great High Priest
23 August Jim Allen - Titles 3 - Minister of the Sanctuary
25 August Jim Allen - Titles 4 - Author and finisher of Faith
27 August Jim Allen - Titles 5 - Great shepherd of the Sheep
Added to the Character Studies section of the downloads -
5 January Tom Bentley - Seven times that the Hand of God was on Ezekiel
19 May George Hall - The early days of Faith in Abraham's life
25 May John Grant - Jephthah - Dispossessed, Diplomatic, Devoted and Determined man
21 July George Hall - A character study of Joses surnamed Barnabas
3 August Jim Allen - Hezekiah's Tasks
10 August John Grant - Jeremiah 1 - The Call which Jeremiah received
11 August John Grant - Jeremiah 2 – The Conditions he encountered
13 August John Grant - Jeremiah 3 - The Complaints which Jeremiah had
15 August John Grant - Jeremiah 4 - The Convictions which Jeremiah had
17 August John Grant - Jeremiah 5 - The Consolations of Jeremiah
Added to the Messages for Younger Believers section of the downloads -
1 January Jim Smith - The Burnt offering a picture of the believer accepted in Christ
Added to the Future Events section of the downloads -
9 January Tom Bentley - Standing in his Presence
2 February Albert Leckie - In a moment
12 May Albert Leckie - The First Beast
17 May Albert Leckie - The Second Beast
1 August Sam McBride - The Lord himself shall descend with a shout
Added to the Messages on Old Testament Types section of the downloads -
18 April WJ Nesbitt - The Food of the Priest - Typical of the Believer's Spiritual Food
6 June Rowan Jennings - Offerings 1 The Sin Offering
8 June Rowan Jennings - Offerings 2 The Burnt Offering
10 June Rowan Jennings - Offerings 3 The Meal Offering
12 June Rowan Jennings - Offerings 4 The Peace Offering
14 June Rowan Jennings - Offerings 5 The Trespass Offering
22 June Tom Bentley - Typical Teaching 1 - Feasts or Fasts
25 June Tom Bentley - Typical Teaching 2 - The Passover Instituted
27 June Tom Bentley - Typical Teaching 3 - The Passover Celebrated
30 June Tom Bentley - Typical Teaching 4 - Unleavened Bread
3 July Tom Bentley - Typical Teaching 5 - Unleavened Bread Spiritually
6 July Tom Bentley - Typical Teaching 6 - Christ the Firstfruits
7 July Tom Bentley - Typical Teaching 7 - Gospel - Resurrection Desired or Dreaded
8 July Tom Bentley - Typical Teaching 8 - Pentecost Anticipated
9 July Tom Bentley - Typical Teaching 9 - Pentecost Realised
Added to the messages on the Assembly section of the downloads -
14 January WJ Nesbitt - A contrast between the Local and Universal Church
29 January Noel Louden - Headship in reality
11 February Jim Baker - The Priesthood of all Believers -1
12 February Jim Baker - Sisters role in the Assembly-2
14 February Jim Baker - Discipline in a Local Assembly -3
10 May Sam Curran - What is a New Testament Assembly and our responsibilities
6 August Albert Leckie - The Assembly Spiritually
Added to the Messages on Books of the Bible section of the downloads -
16 January Peter Brandon - Studies in the Acts 1 - Preparing for the coming of the Holy Ghost
17 January Peter Brandon - Studies in the Acts 2 - The advent of the Holy Spirit
19 January Peter Brandon - Studies in the Acts 3 - Preaching in the power of the Holy Spirit
21 January Peter Brandon - Studies in the Acts 4 - Pastoral Care
23 January Peter Brandon - Studies in the Acts 5 - The outgoing of the Church of God
25 January Peter Brandon - Studies in the Acts 6 - Fervent Prayer
20 April Jack Hunter - Studies in Nehemiah - 1
22 April Jack Hunter - Studies in Nehemiah - 2
24 April Jack Hunter - Studies in Nehemiah - 3
26 April Jack Hunter - Studies in Nehemiah - 4
28 April Jack Hunter - Studies in Nehemiah - 5
30 April Jack Hunter - Studies in Nehemiah - 6
17 July Albert Leckie - Meditations in Isaiah Ch 42 V 10 - 16
19 July Albert Leckie - Meditations in Isaiah Ch 54 V 1 - 17
Added to the Messages on the bible section of the downloads -
26 May - Tom Meekin – The Bible - A Book to be read
The index to the free downloads can be found here -
Could I please ask that you limit the downloads to 10 per person per day. (Approx. 8-10 hours listening) This will allow the maximum number of different people to benefit from the site. If you try to download more than this the site will ban you for 24 hours before letting you back on.
Hope it will be a blessing to you
For those of you who are using an iPhone/iPad please open a free Dropbox account. It allows you to download files, transfer them from Safari and other apps into DropBox. From there you can playback the MP3's. This will stop issues created by Apple where only 10 minutes or so of the message plays and then it cuts out. Dropbox can be found here - Dropbox